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11 Replies

 @9LZLFBD disagreed…5mos5MO

Two state solution won't work as Iranian leaders are sponsoring groups who have the primary aim of destroying Israel and by default, that means a massacre of Israelis. They don't want a rwo state solution,.they want to eradicate the Israelis and that sounds like Hitler and Naziism


Israel is an illegal settlement occupying stolen palestinian land while committing genocides, manufacturing famine, building concentration camps and creating scaremongering tactics such as the creation and support of hamas by the israeli government. therefore does not deserve recognition as a legitimate state and all representatives should be tried on multiple accounts of war crimes proven by the millions of videos easily accessible everywhere.


A two state solution would still limit Palestinians freedom. There is not enough land for the Palestinians left due to increasing illegal settlements. I believe in a one state solution - the land should be called Jerusalem and everyone should have equal rights.

 @9MD3XBD disagreed…5mos5MO

Do you honestly think the people of either side would accept that? Israelis would be subjected to horrendous discrimination and violent crime if they had to live together with Palestinians.

 @9KX97KT agreed…7mos7MO

With a two-state solution, both groups can get a part of the land they say God grants them and they can live with no issues of equal representation between Jews and Arabs.


Palestine was offered this in the 40s and rejected it. As a result, they began a series of wars on Israel and lost each and every one. Make one state for Israel.

 @9P5JJ92 disagreed…4mos4MO

I believe all land should be returned to the Palestinian people as they were forced out and massacred by the Israelis

 @9MS5WY6Liberal Democrat disagreed…4mos4MO

Given the power imbalance, a two state solution would be inherently biased and unfair to the Palestinian people - the majority of whom would not be able to return to ancestral homes to which they have a concrete link.


Palestine were offered this many times in the past and rejected this. They now cannot be rewarded this off the back of the terrorism their government has committed.

 @9LX2XG8Women's Equalitydisagreed…5mos5MO

Israels founding was baked in colonialism and racist thoughts. Israel continues this legacy even today.


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