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 @9LPFRTGanswered…6 days6D

I support a co-state solution with local control bi-national legal structure and a power sharing system for supranational issues. Jerusalem should be declared a international frees State and co-capital.

 @9LNT6T5from North Carolina answered…1wk1W

Yes, as long as moderate governments are maintained on both sides and Palestine is largely demilitarized


In principle yes this seems logical, reasonable, and fair, however I do not consider myself informed enough to have a strong opinion on the matter


That would be ideal, but it is unrealistic, just look at Israel's tactics in Gaza and the West bank.


Consociationalism as a transition government (like in Northern Ireland now) before the establishment of a single secular state.


I think there should now secular government for 3 religions with equal rights.

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