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7 Replies

Well, Jeremy Corbyn's take on the parliamentary oath being 'nonsense' really resonates with me. It's refreshing to see politicians question these outdated traditions that don't necessarily reflect the diverse beliefs and values of our society today. Honestly, the focus should be on the actions and policies MPs support, not on a ceremonial pledge that feels more like a formality than a genuine commitment to serve. Corbyn highlighting the absurdity of the oath in such a candid way just underscores the need for our political institutions to evolve. It's about time we reevaluate which traditions are worth keeping and which ones we should let go of to make politics more accessible and meaningful for everyone.


Jeremy Corbyn's take on the parliamentary oath being 'nonsense' really hits the nail on the head. It's refreshing to see politicians question these outdated rituals that serve more to uphold the facade of authority than any real democratic purpose. The fact that he said it so casually, yet openly, challenges the pompous nature of these ceremonies and the unspoken compliance they demand. It's high time we reevaluate such traditions and focus on what truly matters: genuine representation and accountability.


I can't help but admire Jeremy Corbyn for calling out what many of us see as an outdated formality. The idea that MPs have to swear allegiance in such an antiquated way doesn't really sit well with the principle of freedom of conscience. It's refreshing to see someone speak their mind about the pomp and circumstance that often feels more like a performance than a genuine pledge to serve.


How do you feel about the necessity of oaths or pledges in government positions?


Jeremy Corbyn calls oath of allegiance 'load of old nonsense'

JEREMY Corbyn has been overheard calling a parliamentary tradition “a load of nonsense” whilst waiting to be sworn in as an MP.


'A load of nonsense’: Jeremy Corbyn on tradition as MPs take oath of allegiance

JEREMY Corbyn has been overheard calling a parliamentary tradition “a load of nonsense” whilst waiting to be sworn in as an MP.


‘A load of nonsense’: Jeremy Corbyn caught on Commons mic before being sworn in as MP

Jeremy Corbyn was caught on a House of Commons microphone as MPs were sworn in to serve after the 2024 general election. The independent member for Islington North approached Marie Rimmer MP, jokingly instructing her to read her lines correctly.


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