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Peaceful protests make me feel content to live in an open democracy. Inspiration depends on the cause, but protest coverage encourages me to understand different perspectives and form an opinion.
Won’t definitely feel inspired, but will try to understand from their perspective to conclude from my view
Yes I do, for example with Palestine I feel inspired to protest myself, if I can't I try to donate to charities and spread awareness through social media so more people can advocate
I feel that when people stand up for what they believe that others also feel that power and know that as a collective we are stronger than the powers that rule over us.
There are far too many people who join these groups and rally have other agendas and like to just cause anarchy and get offended over things that do not concern them. They probably don't even understand it in most cases.
Usually not, as I mostly disagree with the causes they espouse.
I do, especially if the issue is regarding the environment, equality, human and non-human animal rights etc. I'll often show support online and offline via discussions, donations, sharing their media etc.
I don’t feel particularly inspired to act. I mostly feel apathetic about protests, thinking that they are mostly meaningless.
generally with the current wave of protests, I feel put off. I feel that they a fascist mob seeking to silence opposition, not seek positive change.
It would depend what it is. When I see people blocking traffic to stop climate change its pretty ironic.
Again we would be better off focusing on education, science and philanthropy to help us innovate.
Social issues can be tricky as you cant force people to think a certain way a better approach is more open debate where people feel safe to discuss edgy ideas at no risk of loosing thier job or reputation.
But to protest is a right and should always be aloud
Most protests are fuel/oil related gluing them self's to roads that they proberbly drive on for work , the hi vi's jackets they wear are made using oil , a stupid act that could cause riots and wars
I usually do feel inspired, if the cause is a just one such as for the environment, equality, animal rights etc. I may increase my donations to such causes, share positive information on them, talk about them with others, and increase my general support.
I do feel inspired to stand up for what I believe in because there might be other who feel the same way
No... I think they are pointless, often disruptive, causing more chaos than they are worth.
I only feel inspired to act for the right causes, many of the current protests seem to be people fighting for the wrong things. I understand the "free Palestine" movement, but what about Russia's spiteful invasion of Ukraine, why are people not marching against Russia. This I find completely diabolical.
There are many burning injustices in the world and you can't go out and protest all of them. You need to be pragmatic and focus your energy on where change is possible or likely. President Putin isn't going to withdraw from Ukraine because of a protest in London, for example.
Social activism is a load of people with to much time on their hands which is usually a dead end cause, while people there have a lack of knowledge of the cause and use it as an excuse for disruptance for a social media profile.
@9LPNRMS 10mos10MO
When it comes down to it only terrorism and civil war are the only thing that led to any change in the UK. But these things come after unaddressed protest and civil unrest. So it's a necessary part of the process.
Social activism is exciting to feel a part of however I cannot help but feel it achieves little.
@9LT7KFZ 10mos10MO
Social change will only come with pushback from the masses and vocal, visible, discontent. If everyone just stayed in their closets, nothing would change. We need to act.
I feel inspired if I agree with it, but there should be less violence from protesters and police
i went to the Palestine protests those videos of the gatherings were shown on the news to contradict the government's alliance with isreal and i think that was an important demonstration for the people of Palestine.
@9J3L3H2Conservative 1yr1Y
I do not feel inspired to act, because the Government was elected whether you voted for them or not, and I believe that unless they specifically engage the military we have no reason to argue. We should question, but protests rarely achieve anything, the arguments for them are often over-simplified
Although I see your point, I believe that there have been countless times where protests or public displays have caused a change in view in the Government. We are allowed to question and challenge anything we wish, but we are also allowed to voice our concerns in a more visible manner. Sometimes it is not calling for change but rather just to be heard and have the cause acknowledged.
@9J3L3H2Conservative 1yr1Y
While I also appreciate point, I think that I have not been particularly clear about this. What I think I failed to get across is that if something is in a manifesto, or as part of a referendum, some people don't accept this, however I think we should. Whilst do have every right to question and talk about policies, to take the Brexit referendum as an example, there were many people, I'm sure with some with very good points that wanted a second referendum at least in part because it didn't go their way. However, the country made a perfectly fair, legal and democratic choice to… Read more
it depends on the protest . certain topics i feel strongly about that do inspire me to act . however this is a rare occasion.
I feel inspired to try to be a good person and to help to achieve these goals
It depends entirely on the cause, and on the protest. A lot of causes rallied by social acitivists have been hijacked for personal or political gain, often to the detriment of the cause itself.
Depends if it’s a peaceful protest and what it is about. I don’t agree with blocking traffic and gluing yourself to roads.
Depends on the cause, I'm partial to Scottish independence
It doesn't inspire me to necessarily 'act', but it does provoke a sense of outlook on how I can make a change.
No, I feel angered by young people's lack of focus. They need to focus on important things such as school and getting a job, or starting a family.
I do not feel inspired to react the same way but I don't think they are out of line either
I do feel inpsired to act, but I usually don't go on marches
@9R3B7G5Liberal Democrat 7mos7MO
I feel discouraged that these people get a vote in the government. They should go back to school. But they're out in the world. I feel inspired to cry for the future of this country.
It makes me feel inspired to act and I feel hatred toward the law about protesting as i feel it is essential to get the thoughts of the public, not just the bourgeoisie
Yeah somewhat it is nice to hear that for example people are protesting a genocide in Palestine unfortunately they get attacked by the police in both uk and America!
Woke nonesense. Hate marches. Deport the lot of em.
@9QXJ7QK 7mos7MO
I feel inspired to stop alot of the anti-british protesting
Yes I think everyone should be socially aware economically as it is the most important factor to our economy (households, workforce ect)
I don't see the point in it as it doesn't tend to change much but I also don't really mind as long as the protests stop affecting other people who are still trying to work.
I believe in a more civilized approach, I would never join a social protest as its seen as lower class action in my family and is dangerous
yes i do feel inspired to protest what i believe in.
@9QW26Z2Count Binface7mos7MO
I will likely never go protesting. I am too cowardly.
a lot of the time it inspires me, however a lot more protests need to be more accessible for those who cannot afford to miss work or education to participate
It depends what the protest is on but in general it isn't so effective
Not very, protest demonstrations are important and allows for issues to potentially reach wider audiences, however by not living in a metropolitan area I am never encouraged enough to feel the need to partake in those that I agree with.
I feel that social activism is eye-rollingly pretentious and is mostly a psychological phenomenon driven by a desperate need for attention by elderly narcissists and immature students.
@9QS8QXH 7mos7MO
It depends on the issue, as an NHS nurse I voted for strike action.
It is an intrinsic right for people to be able to protest against all wrongs
My reactions to protests are to learn more about the source of the issues being discussed, if there's a side for me to take or if there's actions that must be taken. It causes me to be better informed about the world around me, regardless if I agree or disagree with what the protest is focused on
Black Lives Matter is a farce, as is just stop oil.
If the cause was something I agreed with I would actively partake myself but I disagree with both of these.
Protests and demonstrations are a clear sign of a democracy and often are vital to raise awareness on certain problems in society. As long as no one is getting hurt, peaceful protests should be fine.
No they're usually embarrassing. Although I'm not against them in concept
I think they should try to get changed through parliament not through public protests
Depends on what they're protesting about. Although typically I don't care when people protest. Although if rioting begins I begin to get very angry and loose sympathy.
@9QQ9KSD 8mos8MO
Yes! Protests are a sign or a functioning democracy.
Protesting is good. It's silly we fail to look at history when considering protests - look at the suffragettes like without them I wouldn't be able to vote. So I think freedom of speech and peaceful protesting should be allowed and less policed
I feel inspired to act but afraid of doing it wrong
@9QPY4JY 8mos8MO
It doesn't inspire me to act but it does inspire me to find out more and educate myself on the perspectives of protestor and form my own opinions of the relevant issues.
Not inspired but interested. This usually piques my engagement and I try to find out more.
I feel that they are well-intentioned, but ultimately pointless.
Sometimes but not when it's foreign people demanding our country to abide by foreign standards that are clearly not in line with our cultural or political values.
Very rarely have I felt encouraged to act, but I have been lucky to not be affected by lots of the issues of the world currently
@9QP4FGYAnimal Welfare8mos8MO
Yes when it comes to saving the planet and fighting for women and putting prices of everything down I definitely would act and join in on protests. Nothing violent but if the topic of the protest is affecting me directly I will attend.
I think protesting for what you strongly believe in is great but when it affects your life too much like train strikes, it can start to grate.
Depends what type of protest. If it is about immigration then probably
Yes inspired to act depending on what the protest is about. Good that people feel motivated and free to make their opinions heard.
Act if you beleive in it and if it will make life better for all
I feel inspired to act, like the people are standing up for their rights.
I disagree with protests in the way they affect other people’s day to day life
I do - I’ve signed petitions, donated money and been to marches.
disappointed it has come to action being taken as people feel their voices and views are not heard
It depends on what they are protesting about, if it is Just Stop Oil or any other wokevist thing then those protesters should be driven over with gas guzzling monster trucks!
It’s basically pathetic, invariably exercised by entitled, self-reverential ****
I think that the idea is good but often the action isn’t as thought out and make the protesters seem crazy. Such as destroying Priceless artwork that has nothing to do with said movement
I think good on you fight for change, we have a voice for a reason
Yes but not in the case of just stop oil or vegetarianism if you transport a vegetable round the world you shouldn't be chucking yourself Infront of cars because they're burning fuel
I feel inspired by them as they are protesting for what they feel is right which would take guts. I would happily protest.
I believe protests inspire action however it does not empower me to join, perhaps because I do not know enough or I am not sure of the actual impact they have
I’m bolstered by the bravery of people more courageous than myself. Protest is the tool of the populi and should be protected AND encouraged
makes me happy. i love seeing people exercise their right to protest. pisses me off when police shut down left wing ones though and dont give a flying **** when the edl are out protesting, spreading their nazi ideologies.
Nope. Because most protests in the West are done by pretentious, illogically incoherent and foolish individuals.
The social activism of the 20th century is inspiring. Because they improved people's lives and had genuine concerns that needed urgent reform.
Now, people gas light and over exaggerate issues, in some instances the current social issues are taken out of context.
I feel the media highlights and fabricates social activism of issues in order to divide and manipulate the population into compliance.
Everyone should have the right to protest and be encouraged to where you feel change is necessary
No, I think the protests do less good than the people involved like to believe.
I feel inspired to act on matters I feel are important and deserve support.
Not particularly no. If I did then perhaps I would sign a petition.
Yes, especially for causes that are close to my beliefs
@9QKTNCNWomen's Equality 8mos8MO
I wish I knew more affordable ways to take action.
I do feel inspired to act but I also feel that these protests often don’t make a massive difference as the government rarely listen or make changes due to protests.
They aren’t protests, they’re organized vandalism.
I feel inspired to research the issues and educate myself. I don't feel inspired to take part as the environment of protests makes me uncomfortable
In truth, no, but if I ever felt strongly enough about a subject I would not ever rule it out.
Not personally but it is a key democrat right even if you disagree with the topic been protested.
It depends, sometimes I feel inspired if it has actually made a change and sometimes I feel frustrated that it gets to the level where protests need to happen
Yes and it provides assurance that there are a lot of people in my county who believe in goodness and equity.
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