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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10mos10MO

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10mos10MO



It's inhumane, expensive, impractical, and doesn't deter people. If you want something that looks good on the outside but doesn't function I have a ten-year-old iMac you should buy.


Instead of forking out money and sending people to a country with a bad human rights record, maybe rebuild our under-funded immigration system so people can actually be processed here and dealt with accordingly.

 @B2MKJB5 disagreed…1mo1MO

Forcibly tying innocent people to seats and shipping them off to Rwanda is an inhumane crime and, in many ways, violates many human rights.


Illegal immigrants should not be allowed in the UK but they should be given the choice of wether they want to return to their own country or Rwanda


Asylum seekers should be supported to find somewhere safe to stay whether inside or outside of the UK.


Yes, but only if it is a safe place where individuals can live in freedom and have the chance to develop.


Yes if they do not want to be returned to their own country. So long as it’s the relocation is still a safe option and the cost of doing so is less than keeping them in the UK


Boarders should controlled and immigrants should be screen for their criminal background and then decided to be sent there


Although, The Rwanda plan is expensive and inefficient, i don't want asylum seekers here as the UK is full


No, but there does need to have an effective deterrent on the illegal immigration such as passing back to other countries

 @B2XKDVGReform UKfrom Florida  commented…3wks3W

are you slow? why are we taking in people that are illegals? illegal immigrants are ILLEGAL! they should not be taken in. VOTE REFORM UK


I don't think Rwanda is the right answer but don't think we she let them stay here either

 @B2WS4VNWomen's Equality answered…4wks4W


I don't know how big the government think great Britain is, but in this current time it is full of immigrants that seem to get better treatment than our own.


No, we should leave the ECHR, make our own human rights bill, and deport them. Rwanda was too expensive and would only work to an extent.


This Policy is not effective due to the United Kingdom being bound the the ECHR. We need to replace this with a British Bill of Human Rights and cut economic benefits to migrants which will deter them from coming here in the first place. Illegal Asylum Seekers should then be deported back to their country of origin.


It makes no sense to send immigrants from one overpopulated country to another that is also struggling. We also funded the build of houses and most likely be paying Rwanda something for the deal. Just enact tougher immigration policies. Only offer asylum for very specific reasons e.g. women and children fleeing taliban rule etc.


Send them back to the last country they came from and give them a proper chance to apply to come legally


Not Rwanda, as it was considered unsafe, but I am open to using third countries to process asylum claims


If the government can prove they will be treated as if they were living in the UK with access to all human rights


If they can be identified, they should be returned to their own country. If not then they should be sent to a country accepting migrants or a country deemed safe by the Supreme Court


They should send them back to their home country aslong as their life is assessed to not be in danger


We should work with Europe to process and return people to their own country unless they can prove their lives are being threatened and then we should work with Europe to intergrate them.

 @B3JD9QNLabouranswered…4 days4D

yes but ensure they have a stable living condition along with a financial income and allow them to apply to come to the uk


No, but we need to be stricter about illegal immigration and make the process for legal immigration easier.


They should send them to the country of origin or in the case of not knowing the last country passed through

 @9QJHJDRWomen's Equality answered…8mos8MO

They should be returned back to the country of origin if they are not willing to go through the proper channels and obtain residency in the correct manner.


no, but the amount taken by the UK cannot be justified. We are a small island that cannot accommodate the amount as is. We need to stop the illegal entry and stop immediate housing and benefits for illegal immigrants.


Cut at source, put those that they can deport back to their country into legal work where we need to fill jobs. Eg NHS, Farming, interpreters, social care, child care, class room assistance, road works, building schools, etc. Some of these people are educated.


We should send people to a country that share their own religious beliefs. we would work with Saudi Arabia to set up a labour link and send our criminal Muslims to work on their projects and rehabilitate themselves in stricter Muslim run countries.


No they should be returned to their own country of origin,or all illegal immigrants should be forced to do national service for two years, with no rights to any benefits during those two years and that goes for men and women 18 or over.


just don't let them in, if they do not fit the criteria and reduce the benefits given to them, and make them work for the Money they are given to help them. Until they get a Job to support themselves


Illegal immigrants should be deported, but where to should depend on each individual's circumstances


No, just send them back where they came from but only if their country isn't at war or gone down hill.


If they’re dangerous yes if they’re innocent and just trying to making a living, let them stay ofcourse


Yes but only if there are legal routes to enter the UK and only if Rwanda is purely a processing system, not a permanent solution.


No, if there is a fear for their life. They should be protected. under the immigration process. However, not going to the top of the list from the UK residents who need support.

 @9QH25K6Liberal Democratanswered…8mos8MO

have a list of countries that have the infrastructure and space to safely home them that they can choose to go to


There is no transparency about the deal that was struck so it’s in no way a fair question to provide an opinion.


No, asylum seekers are not illegal and can pass through other safe countries, so this question is ridiculous


They should not be here in the first place - if we policed our borders correctly then this would not be an issue


Only the ones who are fleeing from a life threatening situation in their home country. If it it safe to return home, they should go home.


No, not under the current scheme but there is nothing wrong with having the choice to go to Rwanda or another third country.


Yes because they are illegaly breaking into our country and take up our land. We need to reduce this.


It's neither the UK's nor Rwanda's problem neither should have to take care of and make room for these people


We need a better asylum system and should work with the world on providing innocent people with dignity and support in their time of need. Rwanda is not the answer.


They should deal with them prior to them arriving in the UK and either send them back where they came from or permit them to stay should they have a legitimate case.


Should be turned back around, not housed in a hotel for months and sent on a first class at tax payer expense


I think it should be a case by case basis and anyone seeking asylum should be entitled to a safe space and somewhere they can thrive


This is when it really needs to look at the individuals themselves also the government has to remember about other countries and helping when in need


Give them the choice of returning to their own country, going to Rwanda or living on Scarba island in Scotland


Maybe not Rwanda but certainly the country of which they came from if deemed safe, or a neighbouring safe nation - as per asylum should work.


Potentially yes but open opportunities for UK citizens to relocate also n encourage growth stability tourism in Rewanda.

 @9QFBKTSReform UKanswered…8mos8MO

We need to support the neediest of asylum seekers and weed out Islamic fundamentalists who look to undermine British values.


Rwanda is far fetch, I believe a deterrent should be created, but this isn’t going to work. Especially given the costs, I would prefer to stop this at source


If they are found guilty of any crime they should be sent away. Maybe not to Rwanda but potentially back to their homeland.


They should send them back to country of origin. If unknown they should send them to Rwanda as agreed

 @9QDVJWV answered…8mos8MO

If someone claims asylum they are looking to be safe. If Rwanda is safe then what is the issue. Where does it matter where you go as long as you are free from persecution


Send them back to where they came from or the next safest country! Especially if they commit crimes here

 @9QDPNWJLiberal Democratanswered…8mos8MO

They should offer the citizens of Britain the right to go for free to Rwanda with a free flat and promise of work before offering it any one else


Only if there is viable action plan to support them fully (jobs/health care/ food /water supply /community/wellbeing sports funding etc) this has shown to be helpful and effective in the past .


Skilled and genuine asylum seekers should be helped. The others should be sent to their own countries


There needs to be an alternative as sending them to Rwanda is not good Boarders should controlled and immigrants should be screen for their criminal background and then decided to be sent there


Illegal asylum seekers should have to prove that it's not safe to go home and then have to be placed else where or given the opportunity by becoming legal with set targets for this to happen in place.


Create a fair system to have asylum claims processed quicker. Secondly, prioritise those migrants that have helped our Armed Forces.


Government should build internment camps with limited amenities so they don't get comfortable here and more staff should be hired to process and be sent back. They have already come from free countries e.g. France, so they are not asylum seekers.


It looks like a lovely place and they can of they want but shouldn't be used as a deterrent or forced


Genuine people whos lives are in danger no. Illegals coming to burden the system should be returned home regardless of passport held. Accent and language spoken can identify where from


Maybe they should be given the chance to work jobs that are not filled by citizens as away of gain legal status.


No. Send them to the last departure point. If that point refuses, send them to country of origin. If that is unknown. Then imprisonment with labour until it is known


Illegal asylum seekers should be assessed and if refused entry, sent home like many other countries do.


If they are prepared to work and earn a living no, if they want to sit back and do nothing and have no intention of working absolutely they should be sent to rewander


Problem with Rwanda scheme is that those deemed eligible for asylum will still be denied the right to live in the UK


Or sent somewhere else or have some kind of package ready for them to start a fresh in different countries or their own countries could stop war and conflict and provide good opportunities for them to go back there


I think if they don’t have British citizens ship they should be sent to their home country until they are checked and get one but not be sent there if there is a valid reason as to why not such as war


Send them back to their country or receive them but they have to contribute to sociate no free funding and only immediate family. Whislt in the country no pregnancy


We need a stricter policy on asylum seekers as people that were born in this country and not taken care of before asylum seekers


Process to find out why illegal asylum is their best option, review skill sets, programs for positive contribution to this country based on initial aid.


There should be a fair process and assessment; some kind of option for asylum seekers depending on their situations


Agree with sending them elsewhere but not Rhwanda, in the middle of Africa and surrounded by other African countries with low quality of life.


Should send them back to where they came from. IE destination of departure providing it's not a warzone.


Encourage an agreement with European countries and could do it with countries further afield to house people in dangerous circumstances to house them and keep it fair on everyone


We pay France to stop them travelling to us, send them back to France which will encourage France to protect their own borders


They should deport them back to their Country of origin. Papers or not, it's not hard to work out where they're from by identifying their native tongue, responses to certain issues in their homeland...etc.


Stop them coming in. Turn back at ports of entry or if illegal, at the beaches - using force if needed.


Put them in prison instead. They shouldn’t be coming at all if they can’t pay for it. Even less so if they say they hate it here.


No, option to train and work in job shortage or seasonal industrys, failure to work means they are to be moved on.


Happy for asylum seekers to be sent to alternative countries but doesn't haven't to specifically be Rwanda


If there is a better and cheaper way like boats of our shores to house them then we should do that first before considering Rwanda


They should be sent back to the country they came from within a month of illegal entry into our country


Use much stricter immigration policies and not allowing them into the UK in the first place by protecting our borders


No, there should be systems in place already to stop illegal immigrants pentrating our borders. Send them to their home.


It isn't clear what the best action plan is for illegal asylum seekers, but it is an issue that needs sorting. I just don't believe that sending them to Rwanda makes the most sense?!


I think the government does need to deter the amount of asylum sleekers that come over but I don't think Rwanda is the way.

 @9Q89TZ7Liberal Democratanswered…8mos8MO

only some so we dont overpopulate but provide them with food and accomodation because we dont want them to e homeless or starve


Yes and No, wherever is cheaper. But we need to fix the problem and find those responsible sending families on unsafe crossings to avoid deaths out at sea or in shipping containers.


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