Yes, but provide treatment for those testing positive
No, only if they have a criminal history related to drug abuse
Yes, test anyone receiving money from the government including employees and politicians
No, this is a waste of time and money
Yes, and immediately terminate benefits for anyone testing positive

Historical Results

See how support for each position on “Welfare Drug Testing” has changed over time for 119k UK voters.

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Historical Importance

See how importance of “Welfare Drug Testing” has changed over time for 119k UK voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


Decriminalise drugs and offer support to those who are using drugs. They should not have their benefits restricted or be penalised. They should have safe clinics ran by the NHS to support them to use substances safely and have a place where they can be supported to reduce/stop their drug use.


No, only if they have a history of drug abuse and should be offered help or treatment to get them off drugs.


Only if this is problematic and provide treatment for those testing positive. Also expand testing to politicians and corporate heads!


Yes but provide treatment for those who tested positive. If they do not follow the programme and repeatedly test positive more than a certain amount of time, the benefits should be removed. They have the right to appeal but must first show proof that they have been clean for a certain number of time


Yes, but provide treatment for those testing positive Give everyone one chance everyone deserves it if they don’t take it then essentially they are a burden


No..its infringing on rights and choice for those with mental capacity even if I don't agree with drugs