Yes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men
No, women are not as physically capable as men for combat
Yes, preventing women from serving in combat roles is discriminatory
No, men are more likely to risk the success of a mission in order to protect a women from danger
No, combat roles place women in a high risk situation for sexual assault

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 @4VRHYK3from Medway answered…4yrs4Y

 @4T928GNfrom Blackburn with Darwen answered…4yrs4Y

Women who have served in combat are 135 times more likely to suffer from PTSD

 @5BDRDYLfrom Hampshire answered…4yrs4Y

Yes as long as enough training is done, to prevent the man from risking mission success to save the woman's life. But really women should be able to fight the same as men.


As an ex servicewoman, I fully support women in combat roles.... there are all kinds of combat roles where women could be a benefit

 @9N9ZQLWfrom Southern Finland answered…6 days6D

It depends how serious the situation is? Ukraine probably needs female combatants right now. But I would not have it as a general rule, as men are far more expendable then women.


Yes, it would be discrimination if they didnt. However, consider female only regiments to prevent male preset to protect females

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