Yes, and refusing to defend other NATO countries sets a dangerous precedent for the balance of global power
No, we should not defend any NATO country that spends less than 2% of their GDP on military defense
No, and we should withdraw from NATO

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 @9R5RJLRanswered…7 days7D

NATO membership should be contingent on the same percentage spending - therefore all should support each other ’


Maintain defence but raise their requirements over time to a minimum standard when financial capable


NO. Like most NATO is old and out of date for the modern world. Time for a newer World Treaty Organization!


Yes, but at the same time, encourage that Country to up it's share to 2% of their GDP otherwise funding will be pulled.


You cannot mandate arbiterially the amount a country should spend as their are economics of scale. However, countries should layout what they can afford and how much they will spend to protect themselves and others if they are part of a security pact, and this should be conditional to membership - if they fail to meet a stated obligation, then they are on their own should another country engage militarily with them.


I think this has to be considered case by case but in principle I think we should defend nato countries from invasion and attack.

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