Yes, but only by court order
No, and enact legislation preventing government surveillance of citizen communications
Yes, this is necessary to combat terrorism
Yes, but only for those with criminal backgrounds

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 @9PXL2XK answered…1wk1W

Yes, but only with undeniable evidence that it would prevent harm to others, and if nothing is found within a given time period all recordings and information gathered should be destroyed and all monitoring discontinued immediately

 @9QQ4MKLanswered…3 days3D

This should be a breach of the Human rights act article 8. Maybe why the government want to scrap human rights act? For more control... food for thought

 @9QGBVH6answered…4 days4D

Yes but only for individuals they already have reason to suspect are involved in terrorism, not the general population

 @9QHB3H3answered…4 days4D

The government should not be able to, only the people in law enforcement and police, not party members. It should be on a strict need to know/access basis.

 @9QBRZFX answered…5 days5D

Only in the case of suspected criminal activity and this should be monitored carefully. Not for the general public.

 @9Q9C6PFanswered…5 days5D

I believe it can prevent crime & terrorism however could also take away the privacy of innocent citizens

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