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A unit of members whose concerns align and/or who have some mutual responsibilities. I have come to be aware of and supportive of non-traditional, flexible, and communal setups.


Family is by blood, or by super extreme closeness (like being there when someone was raised, or being raised with them)


family are the people you care about and would go to any lengths for


There are many people who are your family but don’t care about you and would not go any lengths for. There are some people who are not your family that would do that such as your boyfriend or girlfriend or very close friend.

 @9K7Y2CK answered…5mos5MO

A husband and wife, their ancestors, and their descendants.


A family can be made of any mixture of people - not even necessarily related. It's who you feel safe and comfortable with


A family unit is of any number or any race, gender, sexuality etc regardless.


Why would any of those demographics change my opinion of that person as a family member, i don't see a logical argument to this in any way.


Family are not just blood, family are who you choose to have as your family

 @9JYS84C agreed…5mos5MO

If family is considered blood only then why has there not been any outcry over adoption? People use this argument to disguise their bigotry.

 @9RBK5WXfrom Guam answered…5 days5D

 @9RBMY7Danswered…5 days5D

Every family is different and therefore the dynamics and requirements of every family is different. There is no blanket rule

 @9R6YBJ6 answered…6 days6D

 @9R5NQW5answered…7 days7D

Family is not necessarily who you're born into. It can change and evolve as people join or leave the family. The definition of family has certainly changed over time.

 @9R4ZDK6 from Newfoundland answered…1wk1W

Family is the people who you share DNA with. Your ancestry. This is the same.


Two adults who care for a child/children, whether it's the parents or other family members such as grandparents, aunts and uncles.


People who are there for you, who support and take on responsibilities around the place you stay in



Family is the group of people who you care about and who you know will be there forever, not necessarily related by blood.


Family is a group of people who love and care for each other and have the same lawyer and die on the same day in the same time of accident


Family is the group of people who you love or care for, they don't have to be related to you as there are loads of different types of families.



Family are the closest relatives to you! Close friends and romantic love interests/domestic partners (and their families) can also be seen as your family!

 @9R2YX2S answered…1wk1W

Familialism is short sighted, because the ideology looks at old values, instead of the actual problems that need to be solved.


Family is someone related to me or extremely close to me that I have known nearly my whole life


I define family as the ones you choose to spend your time with as well as the ones by blood


Family is a group of people starting from at least two who are either blood or by law related or people you love like they are family. This defentition definitely has evoled alot.


family is a core element of our society. it creates an opportunity for a stable society and reduces crime, lack of education. it enhances culture, morals and value. it creates a stable household, for the kids of prosper and get quality education and lifestyle. the definition family shall always remain the same.
I believe in a nuclear family and it is essential to conserve our culture.


We need strong traditional family units with mothers, fathers and children


Familialism is a term that emphasizes the importance of family relationships and the role they play in shaping individual behaviors and societal norms. Traditionally, 'family' has been defined as a group of individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption, typically consisting of parents and their children.

However, this definition has evolved over time to include a broader spectrum of relationships. Nowadays, family can also encompass close friends, long-term partners, and even community members who share strong emotional bonds and mutual support. This evolution reflects changes in societal values, cultural norms, and the recognition of diverse family structures.

 @9QW26Z2Count Binfaceanswered…2wks2W

This is the smallest possible set of people beneficial for the society’s survival and development. Other subsets of society exist, but they are less effective at ensuring social cohesion. Over time I’ve included in that definition same sex families and childless unions.


Family to me is a group of people who will stick by each other through thick and thin, no conditions attached. You love each other, you support each other, you argue with each other, and you learn from eachother. Some families are blood-relations, and others are non-blood relations. Either way, you feel it in your soul that these people are your family.


Family is different to everyone but usually defined as those closest to you, as a support system.

 @9QRRYH2from New York answered…3wks3W

In my youth I believed that family was defined by blood. I've come to believe Family is the people that you love and love you back. They could be friends, neighbors, the people in your life that you start to rely on. Of course your family can be part of your 'family', but they can disown you. 'Family' doesn't do that.


Move with the times, a single mother or a gay couple who have children and love them as a straight family shouldn’t be penalised for it.


Family is those who are biologically related to you, but also those who are friends and around you and take good care of you.



Your core group - parents, siblings, children, regardless of race, sexuality


Family is a male and a female whom are married and have created children.


i think that defining a family unit promotes heteronormativity and negative traditional beliefs


Family isn’t just who your blood related to it’s also the people who you’ve created a strong relationship with even if you don’t speak it will be the same when you reconnect.

 @9QQG4W2from Missouri answered…3wks3W

Family doesn’t have to be blood. It can be any close group of people who function as an immediate and intimate unit.


Its the people who you choose, usually those who you live with, as well as related to by choice/blood



Family, to me, refers to a bond either built or birthed. That bond describing kinship and commonality.

 @9QQBN5Yfrom California answered…3wks3W


Family are the people that are valuable to you and that you choose to build your life with

 @9QQ9KSD answered…3wks3W

Family is the bond between children (adopted or not) with their mother, father and siblings. Its purpose is to be the first form of socialisation for the children.
Of course not every family is functional and not everyone owes love or a relationship with their family.


Family are those blood related, married in, or adopted in. Fostering can also be family. Friends can be family.


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