Yes, everyone should receive an income to cover basic necessities including food and housing
No, this will encourage people not to work and harm economic growth

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


The government should do all it can to encourage people into work, and ensure that all jobs pay enough to cover basic necessities including food and housing.


Yes, but this will need to be refined to make sure that the system is not being abused. Hard working people in full time employment should not struggle for necessities while those who do not want to work are being financially supported.


No, but people should be guaranteed adequate housing and food, free of charge, the same way they're guaranteed healthcare and education.


Yes but this should only supplement, rather than replace a working income and aim to bring everyone above the line of poverty.


Depends on the amount, a little extra for people every month would be helpful but too much could encourage people not to work if their bills are covered by the sum given.


I think this may incentivise people to not work and live off the governments money but I believe that some basic necessities should be provided for to lessen the monetary strain on people