Answer Overview

Response rates from 3.1m UK voters.

Yes, but maintain free trade agreements with EU nations
No, but renegotiate for strict limits on migration into the country and the terms of our monetary contributions
No, but renegotiate the terms of our monetary contributions

Historical Support

Trend of support over time for each answer from 3.1m UK voters.

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK voters whose views went beyond the provided options.

 @5BXL94Dfrom Edinburgh, City of  answered…4yrs4Y

Stop 90% of foreigners from entering the uk. The people are tired of it and would also love to ban Islam at any cost. Further permitting the free parading of Islam and the laid back migration process will inevitably result in a cultural meltdown.


Yes to having our own laws recognised but NO to destroying our cordial relationships with our European cousins. Recognition for us living on an island with limited physical resources by the europeans would have gone a long way to have knocked the whole leave/stay malarky on its head. Living on the continent seems to make it impossible for them to understand the islander mentality after all they can just move/get things from/to new areas whilst we fall into the sea! (effectively we live in a cage whilst they are free---result different mindsets/different attitudes/different ways of dealing with life/different priorities)


No, it was a no-deal pushed by UKIP despite having no seats. It has damaged both the economy and reputation of the country.

 @9P4XXRTfrom Azua  answered…5mos5MO

There should have been no referendum. I voted remain but do not think rejoining is sensible at this point.


Yes because it was voted for, but it was a bit of a pass the buck exercise from the government so they could remain blameless. Overall I think leaving the EU has crippled the economy and taken away any leg we had to stand on when negotiating trade deals.

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