Yes, and all schools should require mandatory diversity training
No, only for students that commit acts of discrimination
Yes, and immediately expel any students that commit acts of discrimination
No, diversity training should be encouraged but not required
No, and mandatory diversity training should be banned
No, only private schools should be allowed to require mandatory training

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As long as diversity includes disability. Too often it does not, and the resulting training creates more problems than it solves.


No, but promote the idea of students sharing their culture amongst peers and having cultural celebration days rather than make it enforced that it’s a “training”.

 @9GH9YLFfrom Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

Yes, but people from those groups should be speaking about how to interact with them. Having an abled person discuss how to interact with a disabled person is not helpful. They almost always get it wrong. Same for a straight person discussing how to speak to queer people, or someone from the country discussing how to speak to an immigrant.


Diversity training should be mandatory as to increase understanding and decrease confusion, and a psychological exam for all students, more education given to those who commit acts of discrimination, then extensive retraining and a full psychological evaluation and deep dive into the person and then expelled should they do it again after retraining.


No, we're all the same except for few biological differences hurting other kids whether it be physical or emotional is called bullying and teaching kids not to bully should be required


Yes, as long as it is made clear to parents and prospective pupils that it is something that the school does

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