Yes, and all schools should require mandatory diversity training
No, diversity training should be encouraged but not required
Yes, and immediately terminate any staff members that commit acts of discrimination
No, only for teachers or faculty members that commit acts of prejudice
No, and mandatory diversity training should be banned
No, only private schools should be allowed to require mandatory training

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I think this wholly depends on what is meant by "diversity training" and what exactly is being taught in those training sessions.


It depends. It’s good for kids to know everyone is different but don’t discriminate against good staff because they aren’t the type of diversity wanted

 @9QPRKMVfrom Tennessee answered…3wks3W

Depends on what is being taught. I think encouraging people to interact with diverse crowds is important, and I think it's important to celebrate our differences and teach kids about cultures outside of our own.

I find that a lot of diversity incentives only further division, however. I think that these types of programs should not actively condemn anyone of being racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise oppressive based off the actions of their historic ancestors (and it's okay to teach things like this in an academic sense).

We absolutely do not want to encourage kids to hate themselves because of what their ancestors did; nor do we want kids to feel as though they're somehow inferior because of what their ancestors suffered.

We should be lifting one another up, not looking for someone to demonize.


No this should not be a school curriculum subject, instead, it should be something that we as a nation instill in other ways. Teachers need more resources to teach their core subjects. If however, the topic arises they should feel empowered to discuss freely without prejudice.


Define diversity training. Let's start with misogyny which is rife throughout schools and getting worse not better


All teachers and faculty should treat everybody civilly and equally, whilst taking into consideration an individuals faith/belief. Training should not be needed.