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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9LPHGDBanswered…6 days6D

Should have the full infrastructure to take electric cars before making them compulsory. Or people will lose jobs as no charging points


Yes but only once trend analysis and better research has been done and the infrastructure is there to support these vehicles. they are too new for us to project the problems people are going to face and may need financial help to mitigate. Additionally, Those who need to do long journeys can't charge them fast enough.

 @9LMKH6W answered…1wk1W

Electric cars are more harmful to the environment when considering their full life cycle than petrol/diesel cars. More funding should be put into improving public transport rather than promoting e-cars.


Yes but limited to UK and EU made vehicles. This may intern stimulate more local EV industry discourage funding to China


No, electric cars are not the best solution for reducing our impact on climate change and the government should provide improving funding elsewhere (public transport / safe walking / cycling lanes)


Yes, but also, to reduce the number of cars overall, create a National Transport Service free at the point of use like the NHS