
Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9NGH7YFanswered…5 days5D

No - as much as possible but need to be pragmatic that some rural services wouldnt be viable if this was the case

 @9MRYBPQ answered…2wks2W

No, the cost of adapting every bus and train to suit a tiny minority seems to outweigh the benefits when a subsidising an on-demand, Uber-like service could be done instead

 @DAVIE answered…2wks2W

Yes, but only where it is practically possible and isn't economically damaging.

 @9MWXF78 answered…2wks2W

That depends on the definition of disability. That can mean anything and everything.


Only where it is not cost prohibitive to the taxpayer or organisations that may pass those costs on to them
