Increase, but only for countries that have no human rights violations
Decrease, and deny aid to countries that harbour or promote terrorism
Decrease, until we drastically reduce our national budget deficit
Decrease, and we should not give foreign aid to any countries

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Decrease and stop giving India most of it; it's a BRICS nation for god's sake!

 @5BSKZTWfrom Wigan answered…4yrs4Y

Increase for very poor countries including those poor countries suffering natural disasters. Monitor situations carefully-e.g., why give to India which, overall, is rich enough to have advanced technological projects in some areas?


Aid should be humanitarian in nature and in the form of goods delivered direct to those who need it, not cash to corrupt governments and agencies who redirect it for their own purposes.


We should not be giving aid to countries like India and China, who are already superpowers with space programs.


Stop it all together for countries with a nuclear & or space program, & those that harbor & or promote terrorism.

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