Since 2002 People seeking to apply for citizenship within the UK must pass the Life in the United Kingdom test. The test contains 24 questions and covers topics including British values, history, traditions and everyday life. To pass each candidate must receive answer 18 of the 24 questions correctly. 70% of candidates currently pass the test.
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No, the test should only be for the English language. All immigrants should be able to speak a basic level of English to ensure they can survive.
Yes, but it should only cover what the UK education system covers at basic schooling level, as most, if not all UK citizens, would fail a UK citizenship test.
Realistically a lot of immigrants do not know how to speak english in the UK. However, they tend to be the hardest workers in the UK and contribute to society.
Yes, but make the test more on living in the UK and life in the UK, rather than British culture. You can still include British culture, but the test should mostly be based on living in the UK and life in the UK
Only simple language and government testing should be performed. The British public couldn’t tell you about our history.
History shouldn’t be included as even some uk citizens don’t even know the history of the uk e.g. what happened in Constantinople
Yes but ALL citizens should take it
and what happens if a citizen born in the uk fails. are you going to take their passport away. Please think before using your keyboard
No because I can’t say Worcestershire
Yes but it should be simple, basic and able to show they can function in our community. Also, it should be at the individuals level of understanding.
@93MNLQ3 6mos6MO
Yes, but only so that they can feel more comfortable in our society. Not a 'test' to see if they know enough.
@9QLQ7PD 6mos6MO
Yes, but it should only cover very basic and simple topics, but in the same breath british people born here or already live here should have to pass it too. It should be a passable by all not just immigrants.
Most UK citizens couldn't pass a test! However, I think immigrants should have a good grasp of language, an overview of the government, and info about British society. So: phrases and idioms and their meanings, things that may be offensive, what to do in certain situations, and who to contact. Just things that people born here or have lived here forever take for granted without thinking. It's not that important but could be helpful in a daily badis.
No, they should pass a test of usefulness to the UK in either hours or work performed or taxes paid.
@9QGRDQR 6mos6MO
Yes to a language test, No to a citizenship test about things that are irrelevant to most UK citizens
Yes but the questions need to be relevant to day to day life, laws and situations in the UK. Learning about 1066 will not help that secure a job or deal with life in the UK on a day to day basis.
Yes, but since most citizens couldn't pass the test, the relevant information should start being taught and tested in schools
@9PZ8SDX 6mos6MO
Yes, but they don't need to learn about the country's history and government. Language and their skills should suffice.
They should have to pass language tests only to ensure they will be able to integrate into society in a useful way unless genuinely seeking asylum in a humanitarian crisis.
No their citizenship should be based on contribution to society, ie being in a job and paying taxes for several years
Yes, but the current test contains irrelevant questions that most people can’t answer. There should be greater emphasis on modern British values, society, culture and democracy.
It should be extremely difficult for anyone so only those who are the best quality can enter the country
It should include the same levels of knowledge that would be expected from a college level student not studying British history.
Yes, but only to gain indefinite leave to remain.
Yes, and make the questions more relevant.
Yes, and have someone who understands the questions they are asking write the questions because the current ‘life in the UK test’ is full of irrelevancies from a 1950’s textbook.
Yes, but only after they have been in our country for 6 months to learn about our culture. Also only very basic and simple topics.
@9PMV4CG 6mos6MO
Yes, but the test should be about understanding cultural norms and integrating, not a prove how British you are test.
Yes but language only. mandatory learning on british values - acceptance, tolerance, diversity should b e added.
Yes... having reviewed the current test, the average Brit can't pass it - how can you expect immigrants to have a greater understanding of the country's history and culture than those that inhabit it! In many cases the immigrant has a good level of intelligence and would operate just fine in the country without knowing who King Henry's 3rd wife was!
It should be more focused on how well we think they would integrate into Society, if there any fundamenal issues, or what support they would need.
Citizenship education should be provided for immigrants and resident children, and should be the same for both, as should the test. It should focus on values & language not history or culture.
Yes, but ones used in the past were ridiculous. My husband and I could barely answer these when we looked at them. It needs to be valid.
Yes, but make the topics more relevant to actual life in UK and modern life in UK and important topics and morals. The questions and knowledge needed to pass this test is outdated and most of our citizens would have to study to pass it. People born in wales scotland and NI would probably fail if as our education wasn’t base on English history. The test is based mostly around the monarchy and English history and this is a shame.
Yes, but only once such a test had been vigorously developed by testing it on natural-born citizens first to establish a baseline for what knowledge is actually necessary for every day life.
No, but they should demonstrate a basic ability to communicate in English to show they'd sufficiently be able to traverse life in the UK to a degree.
No, as I've seen a citizenship test & wouldn't necessarily pass it even though I was born here! They should be required to either speak English or attend compulsory classes to learn it, though.
Yes but it must be based on our way of living and that they are willing or must assimilate to our beliefs and leave their own beliefs behind
Yes, but it should test actual practical knowledge on UK society and its functioning. The current test covers far to many topics that are not relevant to living in the UK today.
Should be able to pass an English language test to ensure they can manage and be able to understand citizens.
Yes, but only if the test is developed by a group of teachers/academics, with minimal political intervention. See Canada's test, which is about being progressive and positively contributing to the nation
The test should concentrate on the ethics of our country not general history. Like a contract that they understand certain ‘traditions’ are not allowed in the country. For example fgm
Yes, but get a sample of UK-born citizens to complete the standard test and use their scores as a benchmark to determine what an appropriate pass mark is
They should pass a test which evidences their understanding and the expectation around their behaviour and how to adapt to our culture
When anyone moves to a new culture helpful information such as cultural nuances and language tips should be offered/shared to help them settle comfortably
Yes, an understanding of the language and general culture. Essentially... is communication achievable and do they hold the same values in terms of how to treat their fellow peoples as the general populace.
Only to create better opportunities for immigrants to learn the countries language and teach skills to help integration into society to stop isolation
Yes, prioritisation on language and culture, once they have passed the test they should swear allegiance to King and Country, like they do in the USA
@Sum_WunLiberal Democrat 7mos7MO
Yes, but make the questions realistic - that a regular citizen could answer; and use the answers to define further assistance to help the immigrants assimilate to life in the UK quicker.
Yes, but it should only cover very basic topics, and be required after a certain amount of time spent in the country
They should have to respect laws and traditions in this country, they should speak English snd pledge allegiance to the crown
Yes, but the test should be made easier as the current standard would not allow for most UK citizens to pass
Yes, but it should be regularly administered to a control group of citizens to establish the existing knowledge amongst citizens, against which scores should be compared
The only requirements should be an ability to speak to the capacity to learn english and not hold bigoted views
@9P2H4XLWomen's Equality7mos7MO
Yes - and if it is important to us, then the same test should also be taken by pupils before leaving school
We need to remove the link between immigration and citizenship. The idea of taking a test creates the concept that there is a link.
@9P27W4G 7mos7MO
It should cover the language and culture rather than history and government, It should be a test that citizens could pass with ease. I'd rather immigrants know about balamory and peckham spring than who lives in whitehall
It depends if they are asylum seekers or not, if they are skilled and coming here to work then yes, but if seeking emergency asylum. No.
The test should focus on the UK's culture and values.
No one cares how many seats there are in parliament or the name of the monarch in 1658,
especially as the positive history of the UK is ignored like beginning the global ban of slavery.
However, our values are important we do value freedom of speech, equal rights, and anti-discrimination.
This should be heavily impressed onto those wishing to become citizens.
Yes, but a large knowledge of history is not needed. Just laws, rules, values and language is important.
@9MVLVCMLiberal Democrat 7mos7MO
Yes, but the test should only cover topics relevant to British culture and society for current times.
@9MRYVSJLiberal Democrat7mos7MO
Yes, but it should cover useful topics such as how public series work, how to open a bank account etc. Nobody needs to know when women got the vote.
@9MQ3L8NLiberal Democrat7mos7MO
Yes but it shouldn't be just about passing one test. There should be active integration community programme to help foster a greater sense of community and importantly support for English language for those who are not native.
Some who have been discriminated before may be reluctant to engage with the wider culture and only their sub relatable culture.
Yes, and so should existing british citizens, and it should cover more than just a basic understanding.
If they're over the age of 16 they should be able to complete key GCSE level exams if not then they shouldn't be accepted.
Yes, but it should focus more on language and less on abstract history facts that most British people would not be able to answer.
Historical understanding should be very basic, but language and government should be understood at a good level
Yes, but focus more on being a good citizen, no littering, good community cohesion, speaking/learning English for whole family. History/government a bit irrelevant
Yes, but it should only cover basic language tests and the British Values, to ensure they understand how to fit into British society.
Yes, but only if it is a test that most citizens could pass and is based on readily available information.
Immigrants should not be invited to live in our country to then live for free use all of our FREE Healthcare etc
Refugees should be provided with education on language and British Values (which are non-discriminatory) but with regards to history...risk of it being biased. Would be useful to provide information on politics to all citizens and immigrants!
Stupid question as this is already a requirement of VISA and Indefinate leave to remain oh and fix the spelling please
Yes, but only language and social values (i.e. diversity, respect regardless of gender, tolerance, etc.)
Yes, but it should only cover very basic and simple topics, which the general population-at-large are able to understand, although a more advanced course on British life (constitution and parliamentary system) I'd necessary in order to be productive/participatory citizens.
History I would say is less important, but anyone migrating to the UK must have a competent standard of written and verbal English and we should not be providing free translation services at tax payers expense.
Yes but it should be more relevant to daily life in the UK. Most UK citizens couldn't pass the existing test without research.
@9LGLJSV 9mos9MO
Yes but with considerations for each individual circumstance and their willingness to learn about our country, culture and be a good citizen.
No but there should be screening donefor criminal bg and intent. Especially for people entering as refuges. Do they have savings. Are they working or making arrangements to work. Could probably ask basic questions on human rights and general western beliefs. Since that's where most clash is happening.
Yes, but it should be relevant to living and working here. Not silly questions about history and celebrities.
Yes, and more than just a basic level of understanding, and also resources should be made available to citizens to ensure that they could also pass one.
Not a test per say, perhaps more of a journal like jobs seekers does. "How are you settling?", "Have you found work?", etc.
Yes they should they should also agree that they are entering a Christian Country and they can practice their religious beliefs but they can't abolish the Christian Faith.
Yes but it should be much more relevant than the current test and should aid their integration into society
They should adopt our values and not expect to bring thier religons or prevoius laws with them.except our ways as I would when going to another country.
@9L63LS5 9mos9MO
Yes, but purely from the stance that they can become citizens easier and better navigate life in a different country
Yes but it should cover a basic level of understanding and spoken and written English with only basic levels of knowledge of British history and culture. I am familiar with some of the questions asked and know that British born adults would have problems answering many of them.
This is completely different depending on their reason for being here. Different jobs require different levels of knowledge, mainly language competence.
No as it can be hard for those coming from countries who are currently in war and so we need to show them all the respect and help they can get. If we only let those in who "understand" us, then it's not fair for those who have been brought up in a completely different way from us.
Yes but the current test is useless and non representative of British culture ands values the test should focus on understanding of laws appreciation of values such as human rights and knowledge of the English language.
Yes but people should be taught how to pass this test in a specialized education environment first. Then once they past they can become citizens.
I think it should be about how they can contribute to our economy with tougher remits to ensure our over population of some areas doesn’t put unnecessary pressure on our services
No, but immigrants should be given aid to understand these to not feel isolated in a different country
@9KSXJKFPlaid Cymru10mos10MO
Yes, particularly who won WW2. If they answer, UK or US they should be immediately removed to Rwanda as it is clearly USSR
Yes with a basic language understanding and proof of willingness to work and to embrace British values.
@9KQLQMS 10mos10MO
Immigrants must learn to read, write and speak the language of the country they are integrating into. Learning and understanding the history should not be compulsory but should be advised or encouraged for a greater understanding.
Yes, and all aspects of Citizenship should be part of the school curriculum in the uk for all citizens too!
No, but a be given an induction to provide a basic understanding of our country’s language, history, and government
Only need to ask revelent questions because I know half of the Uk citiziens don't even know about Uk.
@9KH2CQ7 10mos10MO
Yes, but it should focus solely on major differences in law between their bative country, and the UK.
It’s not the knowledge that’s important, it’s presenting enough intent to pass. The Uk allows for dual citizenship unlike other nations. Instead of asking that you give up your prior citizenship they ask that you study a bit. Not crazy.
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