Try the political quiz

16 Replies


In what ways do you think quality education impacts a person's life, and should it be universally accessible?


The difference between a good standard of living and a poor one is majorly dictated by the standard of education people are getting so to this degree should absolutely be prioritised and universally accessible.

 @9SSBGF4from Texas  answered…5mos5MO

Quality education is one of upmost importance for maintaining the status of the UK.

 @9SRNFMY answered…5mos5MO

Yes as people who went to Private school are much more likely to go to top universities/universities in general and are more likely to be better off in life than people who went to state school.We should abolish private schools but keep the buildings for historic purposes and sell them off as apartments or to the National trust.Equal Education should be a human right.


Quality education will have a much higher chance of making the person successful and education should be a right.


How do personal experiences shape your views on the importance of environmental policies for future generations?


Very important, I don’t want the next generations growing up in a world where it isn’t safe


Reflecting on the diversity of your community, how should a government support integration and cultural pluralism?


In periods of economic uncertainty, what role do you believe the government should play in supporting citizens?


If given the chance to create a policy to improve your local community, what issue would you tackle first, and why?


How would you describe the ideal balance between government intervention and individual freedoms in managing society?


Can you think of a time when you felt that political policies have directly affected your job or education opportunities?


What are your thoughts on how a government can best ensure fair access to healthcare for all citizens?


How does your vision of an equitable society influence your opinion on progressive taxation?


Have you ever experienced or witnessed the benefits of a strong social safety net, and what was that like?


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