Try the political quiz

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What are your thoughts on the idea that workers should have control over the businesses they work for?


I think who ever own the businesses deserves the right to order/control their employees in their own way

 @9H5WRK9Women's Equalityanswered…8mos8MO

they need to have more control over the fact that it’s their business


Do you think it's fair for successful individuals to pay significantly higher taxes to support social programs?


No, People should be treated equal. Just because they probably worked harder for their money doesn't mean they have to pay more.


I believe it is fair because it gives the greater good for the country but it could premote people to illegally hide their accounts.


How would you feel if your hard work financially supported someone who chooses not to work at all?


I would not be happy. Everyone who has the choice to work should and should not receive any help.


How do you envision your dream job would be impacted in a world where profit isn't the sole focus of a business?


Somewhere where I would enjoy working and be motivated to make the world better


How would you pursue your dreams if you knew that basic necessities were already secure for you and everyone else?


without the stress from and time and energy dedicated to maintaining a standard of living I would spend more time learning and doing things I enjoyed, as well as committing to work or volunteer at mental health focused community support centres


How might your day-to-day choices be impacted by the knowledge that society supports your basic needs?

 @9LFZQRTGreen answered…4mos4MO

Not only would anxiety be reduced but people would likely use more of their money day-to-day.


How would your relationships evolve if socio-economic status wasn't a factor in forming connections?


I don't think we should adapt an all encompassing socialist system, however certain institutions such as rail, health care, schooling, and perhaps even utility would benefit from having socialist elements.


What is your vision of a fair society, and how does that influence your current lifestyle and choices?


Everybody has access to the resources they require to succeed in life no matter their background.


How would the availability of universal basic income influence your choices of study or career?


I would be forced to seek a job with better pay. Because money only has value because of scarcity. Start handing out money to all people for no reason and suddenly money has less value. Therefore I would need to work harder to get more money because before you know it a loaf of bread will cost like a tenner.


If career choices weren’t based on income potential, what profession do you see yourself thriving in?



What hobbies or skills would you develop if earning money was not your primary concern?


Money helps you eat and provides to pay bills. No money no food no shelter and on and on and on.


Can a society thrive on shared ownership of resources, and what would your role be in it?


I think a society could thrive on shared ownership of resources, however, we must be very aware of the mistakes of extreme communism and extremist political views, which can often lead to more problems than they solve. Social responsibility is something that applies to everybody, however, a perfect society is near possible to achieve.


How might friendships and relationships evolve if financial status were less of a defining factor in society?


How might your outlook on life change if success was not measured by wealth but by community contribution?

 @9J859VDScottish Socialistanswered…6mos6MO

Everyone has a different idea of what success is. We should stop stratifying people in this way.


Can large corporations be trusted to voluntarily take care of their employees, or should the government enforce regulations for workers' rights?



Would you trade the potential to become extremely wealthy for the assurance you'd never be poor?


How would you feel about trading some of your potential future earnings to make sure no one lives in poverty?


Would you embrace a lifestyle change if it meant every person had access to healthy food and a clean environment?


How would you envision the role of technology in a community-driven economy?


What types of community projects would you be passionate about if resources were allocated based on public votes?


How do you imagine peer pressure might evolve in an educational system shaped by cooperation rather than competition?


If opportunities were not limited by financial capacity, how would that influence your dreams and plans?


Could the prevalence of a more equal society affect your perspective on the importance of tradition and cultural norms?


Would the removal of the financial burden of healthcare influence your life planning and stress levels?


How do you envision the challenges of your dream job shifting in a context where profit isn't the driving factor?


How would your daily decisions be influenced if a societal safety net existed for everyone?


How might the arts and creative expressions flourish in a society that supports all forms of talent equally?


How might a community-driven approach to resource management change the way you treat the environment around you?


How would your life priorities shift if there was an increased focus on environmental sustainability and equality?


Would you still aspire to lead or innovate if there were less tangible rewards for doing so?


How might the quality of relationships in your life change if financial pressures were alleviated?


If job success wasn't tied to income, where would you find personal fulfillment and success?


Might your friendships change if traveling and experiencing new cultures were more accessible to everyone?


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