Try the political quiz

166 Replies


How does it make you feel when you think about a society that actively tries to reduce the stigma around receiving public assistance?

 @9J8NFCJ answered…6mos6MO

We need to make everyone have an equal opportunity to life and not live in poverty. Not only is it not good for the person who is disadvantaged, but it also does not look good on the nation which is seen as one that takes care of other things than itself. Social democracy allows the people to have a say in issues that affect them and others. It has been proven before that one party states help but often in a way that goes against the people's wishes. Democracy when it's not threatened allows people to see their country in a better light. An example of this is the Nordic countries.


We need more people trying to efuce the stigma. We all need a little help sometimes and that's okay. The people that need help, need it for a reason. The world isn't equal to us all we don't hsve all the same opportunities. For mentally ill people, disabled, single mothers, etc, some groups of people just need a little more support. It isnt a moral failing. What us a moral failing is shaming those who struggle when the reason they're struggling is ojtwith their control. Even if it is in their control, well compassion goes a long way.


Does the thought of a child's future being less dependent on their parents' wealth bring you comfort or concern?


A child should be able to come into this world & be able from birth to have level of subsistence that enables them to compete with every other child of his age grouping....A child should not be dependant on any former familial support other than that what it needs for love & comfort ,The social aspects we all need to learn ,Wealth for some children is a burden ,For others who have no wealth it also a burden ....Less is more for everyone ,When we die our gains in life should pass away with us ,I do not believe in heritage wealth ,It is why we moved away from the feudal system ,It is…  Read more


Would your perspective on money change if everyone received a basic income to cover fundamental needs?



If a guaranteed basic income was available to all, how might that influence your sense of financial security and career choices?


More free to do the job I want rather than settle for one I hate for financial security


Do you think a society could function well with a cap on the maximum income or wealth individuals can earn, and what would that look like?


i disagree with a maximum income as i believe the incentive to push for innovation and to develop businesses leads to more efficient products/ services and prevents more illegal tax avoidance which will decrease the governments revenue


How would your cultural traditions and practices be affected in a society that strongly supports multiculturalism and diversity?


Do you think it's fair for the government to redistribute wealth from wealthier citizens to less fortunate ones?


How are your personal aspirations influenced by the societal values of support and empowerment over competition?


In what ways could a society that ensures a decent living standard for all influence the collective mental health?


How connected do you feel to the concept of social welfare contributing to overall national prosperity?


If everyone had equal educational opportunities, how do you think that would impact innovation and creativity in society?


How might your life choices be influenced by the knowledge that there are strong social programs supporting universal employment rights?


How could greater access to public arts and cultural programs influence your community involvement or personal growth?


What potential differences might you see in social dynamics if higher taxes on the rich funded welfare programs?


Would your concept of hard work change if success wasn't the only way to financial security?


In a world where essential services are rights, not privileges, how would you define privilege?


What would you prioritize in life if you knew that societal structures were in place to support the underprivileged?


How does the idea of living in a place with narrower wealth gaps shape your view of fairness?


What impact do you think free child care would have on families' lives and society as a whole?


Would knowing that your education was publicly funded change your thoughts on giving back to the community?


How would you feel about a government that intervenes to prevent large corporations from dominating the market?


How might universal access to high-quality mental health services affect the way we talk about mental health in society?


Can you imagine a working world without the pressure of job security, and if so, what would it look like?


If housing was more affordable due to government subsidies, how might that influence where you choose to live?


If every child had access to free nutritious meals at school, how do you think this would alter their academic and social development?


If public transportation was free and efficient, would that change your thoughts on owning a car or living farther from work or school?


How would the way you view higher education change if it was entirely state-funded and accessible to everyone?


Would you be more willing to follow a career passion if you knew essential services were guaranteed, even if it paid less?


How does the idea of your success potentially helping to support others through taxation make you feel?


Would you feel more connected to your community if there was a guarantee that no one would go hungry or be without a home?


In what ways might living in a society that prioritizes economic equality over economic growth impact your life goals?


How would you reconcile the desire for personal wealth with the need to address extreme poverty through government programs?


When you think about your future, how does the idea of guaranteed healthcare and education influence your plans?


If everyone had their basic needs met, how do you think that would affect our society's overall happiness?


How would the presence of a strong safety net change your approach to risk-taking in life or in pursuing your dreams?


In what ways could an economy that encourages both ambition and community support lead to a better society for future generations?


If you knew that no matter where you lived, your children would receive a top-quality education, how would that influence your life choices?


Imagine your city with clean, accessible public transportation for all; how would that alter your daily routines?


How might your own drive to succeed be influenced by knowing that even in failure, your basic needs would be met?


In your experience, do people with more wealth have different values from those with less, and how should that impact social policy?


How would fairer income distribution change the way you view success and achievement?


What emotions come up for you when you see people struggling to afford basic needs, like housing and food?


Would you be willing to sacrifice some personal financial gains for a society with less poverty and homelessness?


Should access to high-quality education be a right for all, regardless of personal wealth?


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