Try the political quiz

194 Replies


Why do you believe some traditions persist through generations, and can they adapt without losing their core values?


Progress is made through the constant swinging of the pendulum progressives need conservatives and vice versa in order to avoid rash decisions or to avoid things stagnating.


They probably persist Part of identity, do some good, have served us well in the past, they might actually be a good thing (heaven forbid) lack of viable alternatives, lack of consensus around alternatives, political inertia, there are other priorities to take up political bandwidth,

Sure they can adapt without losing key values, values change over time - institutions should change too, albeit in a carefully considered way and so they done throw the baby out with the bath water


How do you reconcile the push for global interconnectedness with the desire to preserve local customs and economies?


By rejoining the EU, this will reopen our trade routes and hopefully mend and make new relationships for the UK. Despite the damage that has already been done by Brexit.


How does 'tradition' shape your identity, and which traditions do you feel are worth preserving or changing?


I think I support traditional institutions and values in public life - but I don’t consider myself a Tory - it seems like this question suggests I am - I believe in the welfare state, equal opportunities, human rights, socially liberal - well regulated free markets - sure - but I don’t support the tyranny on the market, but nor the tyranny of the unions (in the 70s)


How do you prioritize between self-interest and contributing to the common good in team settings or community service?


What's an innovation that you think should be adopted in your community, and how would you convince others of its value?


How can you apply the balance between freedom and order found in conservative liberalism to school policies or rules?


Can you give an example of how seeking common ground has helped resolve a conflict in your school or community?


How do you define freedom in your everyday choices, and where do you draw the line between liberty and responsibility?


When has a tradition in your life felt vital to who you are, and have you ever had to reassess its value?


How does the spirit of entrepreneurship align with your personal goals and community ethics?


What's your perspective on balancing competitive drives with the need for cooperation in team sports or group projects?


How has the drive to excel personally affected your relationships with others at school or in extracurriculars?


In which areas of life do you believe that rules and regulations should adapt to changing times, and why?


What's a real-life example where you witnessed a fair balance between authority and individual choice?


When have you engaged in a community event that struck a balance between progress and preservation of tradition?


How do you champion your own path while still honoring the expectations of your family or culture?


What event in your life has shown you the importance of standing by your convictions?


How have your traditions or family values shaped your views on what 'hard work' means?


Can you share a time when a small, local business made a difference in your community?


How has the concept of 'earning your keep' influenced your approach to school or work?


How should community leaders approach the integration of diverse cultures without losing a sense of identity?


What are the challenges in balancing workplace hierarchy with team collaboration?


How can we encourage responsible entrepreneurship in a competitive market?


How should society adapt to emerging technologies without compromising human values?


When have you faced a choice between financial gain and ethical conduct?


How would you mediate a conflict between environmental preservation and economic development?


How can young entrepreneurs honor their cultural heritage while fostering innovation?


What examples from history show the successful integration of innovation with tradition?


In what situation did you feel compromise was essential to progress?


How does following your passions intersect with meeting societal expectations?


How does the concept of equal opportunity play into your life aspirations and career goals?


How would you utilize the principles of conservative liberalism to resolve an issue in your part-time job or student organization?


How does respect for elders or authority in your family align with your desire for personal independence?


How do individual freedoms in your life coexist with respecting others' beliefs and customs?


Why do you think some feel threatened by cultural changes while others advocate for them?


Have you ever felt torn between following the law and doing what you believe is morally right?


In what ways do you feel peer pressure shapes or challenges your individualism?


How does the access to the internet and global platforms influence your commitment to local traditions?


When has a 'traditional' approach solved a problem more effectively than a 'modern' one in your life?


How should governments respond to new social movements without disregarding historical values?


When have you felt that personal responsibility was more important than collective support, and vice versa?


In what ways could the principles of conservative liberalism shape our education system?


Do you feel that conservative liberalism addresses the needs and rights of the minority as much as the majority?


How do you think conservative liberalism could influence the way society views personal responsibility?


Can conservative liberalism's emphasis on a free-market economy benefit everyone equally, and why or why not?


Do you believe conservative liberalism's approach to upholding traditional values supports or hinders progress?


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