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282 Replies


In your opinion, does the current debate about transgender athletes reflect deeper societal values around fairness and equality?


I think equality is important and trans athletes has no inherent advantages compared to their cis counterparts.

 @9VY8CNNfrom British Columbia  answered…3mos3MO

Yes and frankly, bigots coopt the values of fairness and equality and twist them to suit their ignorant views

 @9VXFNSFGreenfrom New York  answered…3mos3MO

I think people are transphobic idiots who don't really care about reality, and they will just find any reason to find a reason to **** on trans people. It's such a stupid **** ing culture war nonsense.



Transgender men have no biological advantage so there is no issue so they can compete but if a transgender female has been through male puberty she will always have an advantage even if her hormone levels are the same. It’s a case by case scenario for trans females. If she has not been through male puberty then I don’t see the issue.


All transgender atheletes should be required to compete in the male category, or a seperate trans category.


Yes, however only athletic events specifically for transgender athletes and according to rules to create a level playing field.

 @9P3N52CLiberal Democratanswered…7mos7MO

If there's something at stake; a cash prize or a chance at a professional competition, then no. If fully ametuer and for fun, yes.


Where would the professional sportswomen come from if there is no amateur women-only sport? Prizes or not, women want fairness and a chance at winning.


Yes, but only in sports in which their is no inherent advantage from their assigned sex at birth (snooker, motorsports etc.)


Snooker, for a start, has an inherent advantage for men, including physical (longer arms, greater upper body strength) and social (harassment in snooker clubs etc., which discourages women from playing). Look up Lynne Pinches (pool player).


I am broadly in support of this but as each individual circumstance will vary greatly it should be evaluated on a case by case basis.


Yes. Sports should be separated based on physical categories, such as weight classes in wrestling, rather than sex or gender.


No, not yet; the psysiological advantages of male puberty despite hormonal changes during transition, have yet to be shown to be sufficiently mitigated and thus, this represents an unfair advantage for trans women.


Weight, height, and muscle mass brackets should define who competes in which category


Athletes should compete based on physical quality based categories rather than gender based categories.


i think it should depend on the sport. i believe mostly yes they should be able to compete against other athletes that are of the transitioned sex. i think that there trained ability wont’t differ from the others of the sex.


More sports should be unisex. However when sex is applicable to the sport for physical reason's I have no problem with people competing in their lived gender as long as they have experienced puberty in that gender (IE if they have been on HRT through their teenage years).


No, research shows that those who have gone through different puberties still differ in hormone levels.

 @9XCY2FVLiberal Democratanswered…2mos2MO

Yes, but division in sports should be based on physical and biological similarities instead of defaulting to gender (e.g. hormone levels, muscle/fat ratios, height/weight limits, limb length) and gender/physical identity should be removed from the equation altogether


Yes, but men who transition shouldn't be allowed to compete in female sports due to the muscular difference that comes with puberty.


There should be 'womens' and 'open'. People who have been through male puberty, regardless of how they presently are, have a biological advantage over those born as female.


no, instead give a new category that allows them to compete against other trans people who identify the same.


Yes if there is a verification process to ensure that this is fair and there should be an encouragement of more gender neutral sports categories.


It solely depends on when the transgender person started their transition and how developed they were within their defined gender prior to transition.


I think how we categorise competitive sports needs to change and no longer be split by gender. I often think that XX and XY as a new system of categorisation would make sense


its a very complicated debate that I don't think I am science smart enough to comment on, but I support transgender people

 @9QPRKMVfrom Tennessee  answered…6mos6MO

In my opinion, this has always been a dumb debate. I think athletes should not be classified by gender. Instead, classify them through other metrics such as height(s) and body weight(s). I do believe that there are biological differences between men and women; but I believe that this would minimize incompatibilities and make a fairer playing field -- as I also think shorter men have a disadvantage vs taller men in some sports, too.


Not when biological sex determines the split; I think all athletics should be mixed now so that it's based on ability NOT sex


sports assessments to determine when gender plays a role in the skill of the sport and progression in sports to make it less gender bias


No. There should be a choice of categories. Men. Women. Open. Open would allow anybody to compete. Man v woman v trans v amputee.


Yes, but more research is required to determine the fairest way to implement this, which may differ depending on the sport


Hard for me to say as trans women are women and trans men are men but I am not in the trans community


Only if after scientific research, it is proven that they do not have a leverage on the rest of the athletes.


No, they should have their own transgender women or transgender men category and compete among themselves.

 @9QJDYQR answered…6mos6MO

No, there should be an 'open' category, which is already present in many sports. Even if hormone levels are the same, bodily composition (e.g. muscles) are different in biological women and men.


Yes, but only in sports where their assigned gender at birth does not give them a biological advantage over other competitors


It's going to be unfair to someone whatever decision is made. Could there be a separate category for such people?


No, the biology of the sexes differ too much for the contest to be fair and puts women at a greater disadvantage in a sector where they are already struggling.


Depends on the sport, not all sports are equal and not all sports rely on biological physical traits for success


This depends on the level of competition. For young athletes, competition should be among those with a shared identity.


Yes, but athletics should not be simply categorised as either male or female. Other metrics should be used to establish who competes against whom.


Biological male athletes who transitioned to female after puberty should not compete in women's categories.


Yes, dependant on what age they transitioned (what gender they went through their formative years as)


Yes, all sport is inherently body-fascistic nonsense and the lines we draw to categorise individuals are entirely arbitrary already

 @9Q9B8N3from Wisconsin  answered…6mos6MO

No, but they should be allowed to compete in an "Open" division, which is commonly referred to as "Mens."


If a full grown adult who has gone through the certain puberty their biological sex equates to, THEN decides to join the athletes, that is not okay as they have already gone through the male hormones that give them the edge.


Transgender women athletes should not compete within women's only teams. However, they should also not compete in men's teams as they have alternative hormones and probably not any testosterone. Same applies for the opposite sex. I think they should compete within their own transgender team!


Women's sports were created as there are specific biological differences which mean men are bigger, faster and stronger. Trans identifying males are not women and should be competing as their birth sex. If trans identifying males are allowed to compete against women, it is the women who lose out. You only need to look at the number of teenage boys who can beat elite Olympic women athletes records to see how stark the difference between natal males and females is.


Yes, the IOC found that transgender athletes (specifically transgender women) are actually at a disadvantage compared to cisgender athletes


No, because it is not possible to ensure a fair and level playing field for women versus transwomen who underwent male puberty.

 @9NPCD8Tfrom Uttaradit  answered…7mos7MO

Yes, but there should also be races that are birth sex only and athletes should be able to choose which they compete in - then we'll see where their priorities really are.


Yes, but this would be a decision for the governing bodies of each sport depending on how science suggests the transitioning process might affect athletic ability in the sport concerned.


Transgender athletes should be encouraged to compete with each other to account for advantages/disadvantages of certain developmental milestones caused by the differences in biological sex.


Yes but it should be more equal strength so it would have to be reasonable and fair for them to play against opposite sex


No, but there should be more done to create spaces and organisations for trans athletes to compete against each other in their own catagory

 @9NKYCWHLiberal Democratanswered…7mos7MO

No as male born sex athletes would have an advantage over female born sex athletes as male born sex individuals on average have higher muscle mass

 @9NKT8FN answered…7mos7MO

Athleticism should not be split by gender, allow all genders to compete together, seperated only by the other requirements (weight class, speed, physical ability, etc)


It’s obviously complicated and nuanced and also affects maybe like 15 people in the country and they’re all school children. I dont understand why people care about this.


Transgender athletes have their own category for competition as they cannot compete equally with females if assigned male at birth.


There should be separate competitions/leagues in which allow both cisgender and transgender athletes to compete against each other, as well as competitions that are exclusively for transgender athletes and exclusively for cisgender athletes.

 @9NJX5HGScottish Socialistanswered…7mos7MO

Sports should be segregated by experts based on fairness, rather than by gender; like how weight classes work in boxing.


Yes for amateur sport, yes for professional sport of they didn't undergo their birth sex puberty/yes if their hormone levels match/yes for individual assessment

 @9NHV3M8Plaid Cymruanswered…7mos7MO

If the athletics boards/management in charge of said sport deems it acceptable, then sure. Why am I, the government or anyone else involved in the intricate inner workings of professional sports?


Yes, but this should depend on the sport in question and the relative impact of the biological difference on performance


Yes, but only if their phenotype is more similar to their transitioned gender. An individual who spends their whole life as X sex and transitions later in life will have the biological composition of their birth sex, regardless of current hormone levels, which is an unfair advantage.


Depends on the sport and whether their assigned birth gender would give them an advantage over their chosen gender


Yes, and division of any sport by gender or sex should be banned entirely. Divisions by height, weight, strength or some other metric could address any genuine fairness concerns, as is already done with boxing weight divisions.


This is an area of biological science that is still not clear with each sport having different requirements.


A man who has become a woman should not be allowed to compete against other women, but a women who has become a man should. He will not have any advantages.


No but more sports should be encouraged to have mixed gender competitions, especially where sex shouldnt affect performance like darts, snooker etc.


No, 2 new categories need to be created to accommodate these individuals as there are clear biological advantages


Yes but sports categorisation should be made on weight/size to eliminate male/female split and to allow similar sized competitors of all genders to compete fairly


No, sports categorisation should be made on weight/size to eliminate male/female split and to allow similar sized competitors of all genders to compete fairly

 @9MXYDQQLabour answered…7mos7MO

It’s case by case. However any option here adds to the daily fight and questioning a trans person will have to go through.
They have a right to compete however they wish, but what is fair for them vs what is fair for their fellow competitors changes each case.


Depends on the sport and whether transition was before or after puberty. Following case-by-case for each sport.


Yes, the world has bigger problems to solve than this, in context with the current state of the country this is unimportant and counterproductive to spent considerable time on.


Decisions regarding transgender athletes should be made by the governing bodies of the sports, not at governmental level. "Cover all" policies are useless given the relative importance of physical characteristics between sports. Powerlifting and darts are not in any way comparable


Should be allowed their own categories, it is unfair and unsafe in some sports to have someone who is biologically male compete against biological females.


Yes but depending on when they started their transition, because a biological male starting their transition in their mid 20s will forever have a different and stronger physical makeup than their female peeers


If they want to compete as the sex of their choice, create new competitions for trans-male or trans-female.


I think the governing bodies of the relevant sporting associations should be allowed to decide on the specific rules around letting trans athletes compete


Yes, but rather than competing based on biological sex, athletes should compete against one another based on similar physiological parameters


Transgender Athletes should receive their own category until further scientific evidence has been investigated.


New Athlete category just for Transgender people to compete against each other regardless of assigned sex at birth.


Impossible to answer. Maybe new grouping is needed, we have disabled sport so maybe we should have a trans grouping


No, categories should be organised by weight & height brackets rather than assigned sex or gender identification.


Athletes who are transgender should have their own category to compete fairly and without discrimination until further evidence is shown.


difficult to gauge natural hormonal discrepancies, so would all athletes be tested against a generic "normal"?


It is sport dependent, some like shooting do not differentiate between sexes meaning no one has an advantage. It needs to be case by case


Depends on the sport - shooting, archery etc yes. Other sports such as contact sports or athletics- no .


This question is too broad. What classes as an athlete, and what level of competition are we discussing?


Yes, obviously it's their choice. It would be much more accessible if sports was less gendered as a whole.


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