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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y



Children struggle to decide what film they want to watch and they change their minds almost everyday. It is not right that we allow children who at that age are heavily influenced by their peers and are not even fully grown humans to make such a fundamental change to their bodies with or without the consent of their parents.


Take for example, the increasing rape of women from men who are 'transitioning' to female, women are now beginning to fear even using FEMALE toilets or and changing rooms, due to many men taking advantage of the fact that it's so easy to say you've changed gender.


Gender transition is not well funded or well researched. Support is patchy and uneven, making it difficult for all, especially children.


Children (and adults under the age of 25) do not have fully matured brains and therefore do not have capacity to make life changing decisions. This is not a cost issue primarily but rather we should not be enabling anyone to make irreversible changes to their body because of the biological impossibility of changing sex.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y



the gender you are born with is your gender anything else is a case of delusion and mental health issue.

 @9G9D7B5 disagreed…6mos6MO

Primarily, Gender Transition is a pretence which masks the reality of the castration of the mentally ill. Gender dysphoria is a psychological phenomenon of confusion, which creates a delusion that ought not be conflated with reality. It is debatable whether this should even be done to over-18s given the obvious mental confusion and feeling of ostracism that is experienced by these individuals. But beyond that, ignoring the fact that these people are vulnerable and obviously need psychological help, under-18s - especially those under the age of consent - can certainty not meaningfully consent…  Read more


In the UK 0.5 percent of the population is transgender. And out of that percentage, only 0.4 actually detransition. This obviously deems that gender transition is the best way to deal with gender dysphoria. Conversion therapy is a disgusting idea and it is proved to induce mental illness and ruin someone's mental health.


I have no problem with people who wish to transition but it must be done when the individual is an adult, not a child.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

No, children should not be allowed to make irreversible life decisions


It can, and often does, lead to severe mental health issues and suicide if refused treatment if a child realises they need it at a young age.


If children don't have the right to vote or serve in the military, why should they get the right to make this decisions. In some cases, the child may not even be mentally stable.


This argument is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how gender reassignment works.

Many of the options available to people of all ages regarding gender-affirming treatments are reversible. Children are given puberty blockers if they reach puberty physically before they're mentally ready. Once they stop taking them, puberty continues as normal. Equally, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is only effective while you're actually taking the hormone replacements. If you stop taking HRT, the body reverts back to how it was previously over time (which can also be supported by taking…  Read more


Puberty in and of itself is an irreversible medical outcome, and if the child already knows which type of puberty is right for them, denying them and claiming to know the child better than they know themselves is abusive. Forcing the child to go through a puberty that they know they will regret for the rest of their life should be taken just as seriously for transgender children as it already is for cisgender children.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

Yes, but only for non-surgical treatments such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy

 @9GGH7WS from District of Columbia disagreed…6mos6MO

At that age the brain isn’t fully developed and outside environmental factors are likely the cause for a human to want to change genders. Look at studies that compare the amount of kids that have LGBTQ+ parents that become transgender compared to 2 heterosexual parents. It’s clear the decision, at the very least, has a little to do with the parents.

 @9GJ8NH6 disagreed…6mos6MO

Whilst that may be a contributing factor. We should be more understanding and encourage education on the matter instead of outright abolishing transtition therapy. There could be other reasons as to why these people have not come out as transgender with heterosexual parents such as the parents showing hostility to LGBTQ+ ideologies.


transgender doesn't mean sex transition. transsexual and transgender are different by nature. we give words the property of feminine despite them not having a vagina. its to do with social roles and aspects and if a person decides they would rather be trans male in terms of gender thats fine. its similar to religion what you might be believe and act because of your faith can change many years later and so can your personality and behaviors and thats not bad its learning and experiencing. transexuality is a different matter as its nature is different.

 @9GHGTQD agreed…6mos6MO

I mostly agree with their view, that outside factors are likely to cause a human to want to transition, such as you said a more accepting environment. But it can be argued that it is only because they feel more comfortable coming out rather than they would not have been transgender if not for their LGBT parents. It's a major life decision, so though I don't question that some individuals at let's say the age of sixteen are in fact capable of making such decisions and are confident in what they think their identity is, for those who are not and may make a major decision they reg…  Read more

 @9GJQZHTLiberal Democratdisagreed…6mos6MO

Being trans is not a “decision”, it’s something from birth which cannot be influenced or changed. Children know the gender they are are from a very young age.

 @9GMSKD6 disagreed…6mos6MO

those under 18 do not understand the gravity of those choices and it can leave permanent health issues.
they are unable to consent and gender dysphoria may be short term, allow only adults to make those choices. hormones destroy the pituitary system and is very harmful to those still developing.


I agree, for many teenagers gender dysphoria is just a phase as many young people struggle to find their own identities at this age. However, once an individual turns 18, they should be free to seek a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and to undergo any procedures that they desire.


I completely agree with this statement. Let us wait until they are legal adults and then they can make their decision - if not they may live with regret for the rest of their life.


Of course they don't understand. The drugs that 'transition' people cause untold side effects that they do not tell you about


If a child is absolutely sure, and has the say so from their parents, and doctors, and psycologists, then I believe that hormone blockers before 16, hormones after 16 should be allowed. There is no proven evidence for or against that hormones blockers cause permanent damage. And even if they did cause a risk of something, isn't that better than your child killing themselves? I don't think anyone should have gender surgery before 18, unless a serious situation has already occured (such as a suicide attempt)


I follow the line that prior to 18, gender transition should not be available. Thereafter, the individual has the right to do what they will.


It is irreversible and there is no evidence to suggest that a child would kill themselves because of this. Children cannot give informed consent and parents and professionals should not be able to make this decision for them. They should be free to express themselves without the use of hormone blockers / gender reassignment until they are 18. You cannot tell me that, for example, a 10 year old is capable of making a decision that will impact their body for the rest of their life. I didn't know what anything was at that age. It's ludicrous.


Many of the options available to people of all ages regarding gender-affirming treatments are reversible. Children are given puberty blockers if they reach puberty physically before they're mentally ready. Once they stop taking them, puberty continues as normal. Equally, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is only effective while you're actually taking the hormone replacements. If you stop taking HRT, the body reverts back to how it was previously over time (which can also be supported by taking the hormones for your assigned gender at birth.)

When you speak to transgender people, you…  Read more

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

No, and ban all gender transitioning treatments


Humanity. Compassion. Common sense. Just let people live as they most wish to, they aren't harming anyone

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

Yes, but only if they are at least 16 years old


I’m 26 and don’t agree with my actions at 18, let alone at 15 - I don’t think you should be allowed to change your body through surgery or drugs until age 21, you can dress yourself how you want but protect your body.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

Yes, but with parental permission


Children (and adults under the age of 25) do not have fully matured brains and therefore do not have capacity to make life changing decisions. This is not a cost issue primarily but rather we should not be enabling anyone to make irreversible changes to their body because of the biological impossibility of changing sex.


I think this is silly. Multiple cases of parents forcing children to become transgender have been reported. Noted below.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

Yes, as long as treatment is not subsidized by the government


Children (and adults under the age of 25) do not have fully matured brains and therefore do not have capacity to make life changing decisions. This is not a cost issue primarily but rather we should not be enabling anyone to make irreversible changes to their body because of the biological impossibility of changing sex.

 @9GMSKD6 disagreed…6mos6MO

Gender transition is taxing psychologically and physically and will harm those under 18. transitioning those who cannot make informed decisions and make sound judgments, permanently mutilating them when they cant be responsible for themselves is absurd and harmful


Yes. Hormone blockers are reversible, puberty is not. Listen to trans people.


Yes, but non-surgical treatments should be used first.


Under current transgender healthcare guides, you will not find a doctor in this country that will give bottom surgery without cross sex hormone treatment first.


Yes, but have been informed on what it all involves and are aware of their decision


Yes, and the process of medically transitioning should be made easier for both minors and adults


Yes, puberty blockers should always be avalible and hormone therapy should be available for those 16 and over


Normally, I want for it to be "Yes, but with parental permission" but this might have a loophole on where the Parents are transphobic.



Yes, but only if they are made aware of all of the consequences of doing so.


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