Try the political quiz

131 Replies


Do you feel that the wealth created by capitalism benefits society as a whole or just a select few?


no. Trickle down doesn't work. Wages don't go up in accordance to cost of living.


It can create competitive businesses and can in fact help economically while also providing more product to the public. However it does benefit the higher wage percentage of people in terms of wealth.


I think it benefits society but much more needs to be done to raise opportunities, education and safely for wvery citizen to thrive.


Wealth created is fantastic but unfortunately many of the elite are greedy and prioritise profit over larger social concerns


If you had the power, would you make any changes to the current capitalist system, and what would they be?


Tax the richest companies and people in society, nationalise NHS/public transport/energy/internet/education.


Get rid of loopholes that allow corporations to avoid tax while still being a viable place for businesses ro operate from


The capitalist system as a whole if fine. The problem is where our taxes are going. Fund schools, encourage kids to strive to be rich. But also remove tax loopholes


I would nationalise several public utilities, e.g. transport, energy and use capitalism to generate money for the people.


Can capitalism truly provide freedom of choice for consumers, or does it end up creating illusions of choice with big companies dominating markets?

 @9H7JXCMLiberal Democratanswered…8mos8MO

The job of a government in a capitalist society is to keep the markets health to stop the monopoly of big business.


Big companies are run by a certain kind of people that follow a certain religion, and they fabricate everything. More consoomerism = more power to Jews.


I think capitalism should stay but everyone one should have the chance to start in capitalism and not be squashed by large corporations.


No I believe in capitalism and that competition in companies and markets creates better ideas and creates more jobs for everyone in the long run.


In your opinion, does capitalism favor innovation or does it primarily reward those who already have wealth and power?


Do you consider access to healthcare and education a privilege or a right in a capitalist system?



Reflect on how media and advertising influence your purchase decisions and what this suggests about consumer culture within capitalism.


Consumers are engineered and curated in capitalism. Capitalism tends towards monopoly, granting more power to the vendor than the consumer, placing the latter at the formers mercy


How does your current educational path prepare you for a capitalist economy, and do you feel equipped to navigate it?


My educational path, which includes a PhD, has taught me the importance of balance and understanding all sides of an argument. Unregulated capitalism is as dangerous as any other unmoderated ideology or principle. Enabling the unfettered accumulation of capital inevitably results in a minority holding the majority of capital at the expense of the majority from whom that capital has been extracted.


How do you perceive the impact of consumer trends on your own lifestyle and spending habits?


When you envision a fair society, what role do corporations and wealthy individuals play in supporting communal well-being?


In what ways do you think social media influences our perception of success in a capitalist society?


Has there been an instance where you've felt compelled to purchase something due to societal pressures and how do you see this as a result of capitalism?


How do you reconcile the desire for affordable goods with the need for fair labor practices and wages in a capitalist economy?


How do the brands and products you use reflect your identity, and what role does capitalism play in shaping that identity?


When considering your own lifestyle, in what ways do you contribute to or challenge consumerism?


How do you think wealth distribution affects societal cohesion and your sense of community?


What role do you believe innovation plays in solving societal issues within the framework of capitalism?


What's your perspective on volunteer work or unpaid internships in a profit-driven economy?


When you think about your future job prospects, how much does the potential to earn influence your career choices?


How do you view the balance between pursuing your passions and the need to earn a living in today's economy?


Do you think having more choices as a consumer truly gives you more control over your life?


How does the concept of 'voting with your dollar' resonate with you in terms of your power as a consumer within a capitalist society?


Have you ever encountered a situation where you felt that financial gain was prioritized over ethical considerations, and what did that teach you about capitalism?


Reflect on a time when you had to make a difficult purchase decision; how do you think the competitive nature of capitalism influenced your choice?


How does your personal experience with job hunting or employment shape your view of capitalism's effectiveness in providing opportunities?


Considering your personal values, would you say capitalism aligns with them, or conflicts with them, and why?


Do you believe the drive for profits under capitalism can coexist with ethical business practices, or are they inherently at odds?


Do you think capitalism encourages over-consumption, and if so, how does that make you feel about its impact on our planet?


How would you define success in a capitalist system, and do you believe that everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve it?


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