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No unfortunately. I'd love to see that but I don't think enough people in the power agree.
Probably not. We are social animals but as long as there are us and them, there is going to be conflict.
"Of the past 3,400 years, there has only been relative peace for 268 of them, 8% of recorded history" United Nations International School
The entire concept of us and them originates from tribalism, the arbritary division of humans into social groups not based on class, and therefore the elimination of these social differences will make war obsolete.
No, I think the human race will destroy itself before they reach that point, unless we managed to destroy capitalism first
Differences in culture will always mean people will war with each other. Nothing to do with capitalism. For example, extreme Islam will always be at odds with Israel.
no, war is inevitable under capitalism as it is profit driven and greed driven
Non-sequitur. Capitalism is nothing to do with the question, and given that socialist countries killed more in the 20th century than both world wars combined, I'm not sure any anti-capitalist should be throwing stones.
@9HPCJLH 1yr1Y
No, though I believe this should be a goal we strive towards, however it is human nature that there will always be those who wish to wage war and have the means to do so, very unfortunate.
Nope I hope not we’ve lived through two world wars and had a few grim concervative governments.
If the entire human race worked to develop self-awareness and break multi-generational trauma cycles and tackle issues such as poverty that is a huge contributor to experiencing trauma then yes, maybe one day.
@9JZ2JWB 1yr1Y
Only if western nations earnestly support low income nations in building up, and moderate border disputes to avoid needless civil wars and further social backsliding in those societies
@9HTLKW5 1yr1Y
Yes, in the far future (if we get to that point) when we eliminate world hunger, and suffering and live in a utopia.
Hopefully. I don’t think it’s feasible but in a stateless, classless society, war would likely be mostly abolished.
Not that America or other hyper capitalist countries would ever let it get to that point.
No, but hopefully war can become less violent and destructive and reach a point where they are resolved quicker, with less deaths.
Unfortunately no, but we should continue to work towards a time where there is no war, no violence.
No, I don't think the human race is rational enough.
War is inevitable, however, there should be a different way to settle differences rather than loss of life
Yes, we have already reached it to an extent due to assured nuclear destruction.
No, there will always be some reason humans will have conflict with one another
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