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NO ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! The ability to practice a religious is a choice, one that does not represent everyone. Consequently it should not be the metric to govern all.


no, no religion is greater than the other and we shouldn't give one more publicity or power over the others.


No, the Catholic Church is not the state church of the U.K, and should have no say in any political affairs.


No. The U.K. is not a theocracy and should never become one. Separate church from state.

 @9HG4HLZ answered…1yr1Y

No. Religion is a personal belief and choice to follow and shouldn’t have any say in anything regarding how a country is run.


No religion should have any say about political issues.


Members of the church can vote for it against matters but the church as an institution should have no political power


secularism had greatly increased and therefore plays a minor role in todays society compared to how it used too.

 @9JXKHX8 answered…11mos11MO

No. The church and state need to always state separate


Catholicism is an outdated and corrupt system of beliefs that should have no place in modern society, let alone law and politics. More and more people are becoming unaffiliated with religion and should not be constrained by laws based on religious rules. Religious people are free to practice their beliefs how they see fit, and that shouldn’t have any effect on the lives of others.


Most people in the UK are not Christians, so Christian churches should not have a disproportionate amount of say on issues like this


Absolutely not. Secularism is important and no religious doctrine of any kind should be involved in laws and decision making. The church has every right to maintain its own beliefs but it is up to the individuals to choose what they want to practise.


No. Total seperation of church and state should be the goal. Those who are not part of a fictional belief shouldn't be subject to it.


Absolutely not. No religious organisation has any more gravity behind the proclamations they make than any other form of organisation, group or even individual. The Catholic Church in particular has exposed itself as equally if not more relativistic and immoral as some of the worst groups in human history. They deserve no more say in our political process than any other unelected body.


No, those in a religious group can abide by their religious laws and teachings, whilst all athiests can abide by the national law.


It should be able to have an opinion on political matters, but no religious organisation should have a decision in them.


No. The UK is not Catholic, and religious canon should always be separate from state law

 @9HKXRDGWomen's Equalityanswered…1yr1Y

No. if you choose to be catholic that is your choice and can choose any political stance you wish, however to have a larger say then other religions and people is very unfair.


Definitely not.The Religion of politics is the reason we are here today at war ,Religion has been used as it is now Zionism is using Jewish faith to Rule ,just as Catholicism did & still does ,Muslims too are subjected to subversive tactics .SURREPTITIOUS is the political intent of all religious political factions that they obscure the truth for political gain...NO...NO...NO...


No religius institutions should have a say in political matters. And there should be no religious representatives in the House of Lords.


Nope. There’s no god, and they are a power player like any other.


The Catholic Church is an important institution, however Catholicism is a religion and politics shouldn’t involve religion


I think that when religious entities has a say on what goes on in a country we run into the same issues as we say are horrible in let's say the middle east. So no I don't think they should have a say as a religion only as individual citizens of said country.


Countries are made up of many different religions and although a person's political views may be influenced by their religion everyone should have their own say / chance to be heard.


No. Religion should stay separate from political measures.


The churches should have no right to dictate laws to people on what they can or cannot do. They are unelected and have no legal or justifiable authority to do so.


No, both the Bible and Catholicism is now outdated and essentially any say on political matters contradicts the Bible itself in order to gain society’s respect


the church should be entirely politically neutral, only involved in humanitarian and religious issues.

 @9JXTS8QLabourfrom Kuala Lumpur  answered…11mos11MO

Absolutely not, especially as the UK is not a Catholic country, it is church of England.


UK society is highly secularised and no church institutions, of any religion, should have an official say in political matters.


Absolutely not. Why did they ever get a say? Religion is a method for cultivating mental peace, not for advising on other people’s lives.


They shouldn't because at the end of the day a Catholic Church woudl be baised towards what they beliefs is the right thing to do because they belief in different things compared to what other religions belief.


yes, I agree in general that religion should have an effect on decisions by the government whether it's catholic or christian.

 @9JQ33X2from California  disagreed…11mos11MO

The Catholic Church is a corrupt organization that has too much controversy following behind it to truly value its opinion in government matters.


No religious institutions should be involved in political issues, and the bishops should also have no place in our Upper House of Parliament.


the country is very diverse now, and catholic (or any other religion) opinions may greatly differ from the wider population.

 @9JYHFRTLiberal Democratanswered…11mos11MO

No. there should be separation between all religion and legal aspects


The head of the catholic church is based in Vatican City, the head of the Church of England is based in England. Catholicism shouldn't dictated the current and future matters of the UK


No. I believe in full separation of church and state. We should not allow religion of any kind to influence politics.


Secularisation has increased 10 fold in recent years. Old, outdated religious beliefs shouldn't dictate decisions about a country that's no longer overwhelmingly Catholic.


The Catholic Church may offer opinions about political matters, and Catholics may follow those public statements, but the Church should not have an official political status that grants them special privileges.


Laws, marriage and education should Not be influenced by religion but rather by moral values and the opinions of the people


No, religion should hold no influence over politics as they have their own biases, this discriminates against other religion and it is archaic.


Laws around marriage and social issues are based off the moral law, which is based off the natural law. The natural law is endowed by our creator and so subsequently it is impossible to separate religion from government. England is also unique in having an established Church and this puts the previous points into practice.


I do not think the catholic church should be able to control laws that non Catholics have to abide by. Laws should be passed democratically and with the shrinking percentage of catholics they should not have the power to bypass democracy within the country. It is also important to protect their rights to voice their opinions however.


THe catholic churches views are very extreme and go heavily against modern day beliefes in trying to be more inclusive


Religious institutions have no right forcing people to adhere to there doctrine, no matter the religion. However, freedom of religion should still be in place.


Because it is a belief and not everyone follows that religion so therefore they shouldn't be forced to do things they dont want to.


No. The Catholic Church should only have a say in its own matters and its own rules. There is nothing wrong with being catholic Christian. However, they should not enforce it onto other people if they do not believe in the same religion.


The Catholic church should have say, but figureheads like the Pope should not just encourage one view among the adherents of Catholicism. If argue that Catholic having a say in political matters is them forcing their religion and views onto others, then what banning them from having a say not be you forcing your views on to Catholics?


as long as for evidence they don't use religious items

 @9KB42BM agreed…10mos10MO

It gives a different perspective than one currently looked at. As long as it doesn’t harm the public by infringing their beliefs on those who don’t.


no, i do not agree with the beliefs of catholisism and do not think they should have leverage over the way that the country is run

 @9K68Y79 agreed…10mos10MO

Catholic school instils good values for your children despite their background. This is proven through OFSTED reports.


Absolutely not, religion should have zero bearing on matters outside of their purview




Hell no. The people of the country should have a say not an organisation representing certain beleifs.


A singular religious institution should never have influence in shaping laws. There are several religious beliefs in the UK and so laws should be made from a non-religious perspective


No absolutely not, as far as I am concerned religion is a tool for controlling a population.


United kingdom is not a practicing christian country anymore. A country should be run with the intention of what is best for its citizens not by religious theories which some citizens may agree with and others may not.


They should be allowed their own views, but absolutely no control over government legislation.


No church has any business interfering in politics. They can offer a view, like anyone else, but it shouldn’t be be given any more weight than anyone else’s opinion. The opinion is based on outdated, misogynist beliefs designed to control people.

 @9JD28GJPeople Before Profitanswered…11mos11MO

No. Society and times are chanaging. LGBTQIA+ individuals should be treated as any normal white man. People only live once, they should be allowed liberation and equal opportunities regardless of difference.


if that is their religion then they should be allowed to believe what they want, everyone has an opinion.


no as it does not effect every people as not every person is religious


No, the Catholic Church has proven itself corrupt, and foreign organisations should not have a say in the politics of other countries.


It can have its say, seeing as we live in a pluralistic democracy, however I personally welcome more liberal views winning out in arguments such as trans rights, abortion, and same sex rights.


i think we should separate religion and politics, if religion affects an individuals decision that is their beliefs and completely. I think peoples opinions would be against religion affecting politics if it was a different smaller religion so why is it seen as ok for Christianity.

 @9HJQPFDGreenfrom Rhode Island  answered…1yr1Y


I think religion is allowed to have a say but only as a side matter when it comes to people responses to the changes and the effects


No, there are too many different religions in society now so having one in charge does not make sense and the traditional views of the catholic church are outdated, misogynistic, homophobic, and not right for our society


Not at all. The church may throw their two pence in, but must be aware they are pontificating opinion on an ever shrinking section of British society.


No. If there is supposed to be a separation of religion and state, then, no religion should have a say in political matters. Humanity should matter more than religion/religious beliefs.


Catholicism and religion as a whole should certainly be represented, but should not dominate society, as it is no longer a founding principle of society. Catholic communities should have the chance to voice their concerns democratically, same as anyone else, but they should not be appeased or granted higher levels of authority.

 @9HJP3M3 answered…1yr1Y

 @9HJ25RN answered…1yr1Y

No, they may offer their opinions on the matter and it should be up to the people of a nation to decide whether they want to take the church’s advice which would then influence law in that nation, but it should never directly affect law.


No, people who do not believe in a religion should not be subject to it's beliefs


The church should be seperate from the state, however christianity should be encouraged.


No! Not everyone follows a religion and not everyone is catholic, wouldn’t make sense for them to have any say about anything.


The Catholic Church as of now is becoming less and less catholic so either way it doesn’t matter

 @9K7VTJ4 answered…10mos10MO

Absolutely not. No religious organisation should have any influence on political matters.


Yes, but not be put on par with governmental legislation. Despite its influential history in politics of the past, and how Catholicism has had great contributions to the development of society, it is a religion however and should place its emphasis on the spiritual well-being of people as well as to provide a community where people can identify with.


No, everyone has their own opinion on political matters and no religion is better than any other


I think Catholics should have a say in matters that affect their country like any other citizen. I don't believe large-scale institutions like that should have much power outside of influence.


 @9K5TPKJfrom Pennsylvania  answered…10mos10MO

I do not believe this, freedom of religion and practice of your own values and morals still stand.

 @9K67WTQ answered…10mos10MO

No religion should have any say in any political matter. Religions already get special treatment through tax-exemptions. Frankly, religions of any faith should not receive any tax-free status, rather we should look at reforming our tax-approach with religious institutions.

 @9K5L862Conservativefrom Pennsylvania  answered…10mos10MO


I don't believe so as the UK should be governed by the government and the people.


No, religion and politics should not interact. religion is outdated and based merely on fictional/unreliable accounts from thousands of years ago.


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