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42 Replies


cap it only for sectors that are over subscribed to ensure sectors aren't left without skilled workers


In areas where the migrants meet the salary requirement but there is no shortage of workers in their profession/with their skills.


No, work visas need to be dealt with differently to family visas until we get the numbers British skilled workers available.

 @9ZDBFBKfrom Florida  answered…3mos3MO

If they ever find that they’re giving too much out and they’re really giving too much then yes, if not then no.


I believe that the threshold for family and work visas should increased but slow and gradually in accordance to inflation and Market Factors.


Yes, but temporarily and with the view that this is alongside other measures taken to help refugees etc


yes, just in terms of whether or not we have the space, nothing to do with the amount of immigrants, it’s whether we can house and support everyone so that we don’t have homeless people


This clearly needs to be flexible, if we need skilled workers who have proven themselves as such then we issue them visas as required.


If we need the workers we should let them in but if they bring family they must be able to support them


Not yet but they need to encourage local population to take these jobs and also return to free degrees to encourage more local people to take up nursing and social care roles


Yes, but this should be relative to our ability to house and support them, but not for areas in need of skilled workers.


Not work or Student Visas but there should absolutely be a restriction on dependants as the current system is open to widescale abuse


Yes, but ideally there should not be family and work visas granted to anyone beyond the immediate family of children or spouses.

 @9QH2MWHReform UKanswered…7mos7MO

only qualified individuals where there is a requirement for a certain skill should be allowed a work and family visa, like in australia


I think they should make sure that family on visas should be consistently working. Offered support if they find themselves out of work


Immigration needs to be looked at holistically. Arbitrary caps are not helpful other than to hit metrics.


Yes, and reform the Immigration policy to ensure those people who will contribute to the country are allowed in, and raise the personal allowance to bring dependents in.


Encourage work and family visas aligned with skills and resourcing needs, e.g. health and care workers


Possibly if it can fluctuate annually but as that would come at great expense and bureaucracy then no


I think it depends what skills the country requires and if we have the infrastructure to support everyone

 @9PXL2XK answered…7mos7MO

Yes but there should be a cap for different areas of employment so health and social care numbers don’t suffer

 @9PXH9XSReform UKanswered…7mos7MO

No on the work visas,as long as they are working, but if it's wife and kids (21 and under) also a no, but if it's parents and other family then yes


perhaps for work visas. I do not agree with certain families beinf forced apart because of an arbitrary cap.


If the country can benefit from the work ethic and skill set that can help others then entry should be supported


Yes, but it should be a nominal cap that is capable of flexing as and when required according to the needs of the economy


Yes, but only if they have a job that is useful to the people and country like, building trade, doctor that they get a reduced discount and pay a yearly fee.


Caps are not useful: in times of geopolitical uncertainty, migration is always likely to fluctuate. It’s populist sensationalism and nothing shy of vote grooming to say anything different to that


It should be constantly monitored not capped. If UK unemployment is low then visas offered should be reduced if UK employment is high then visas can be offered as necessary.


Individual Work visas are important to help the resource crisis but family visas are a burden on the tax payer.


If necessary, then perhaps for work visas. I do not agree with certain families beinf forced apart because of an arbitrary cap.


Visas should be available according to the need to fill roles not otherwise staffable not supplied to an arbitrary number,


No, work visas are essential to fill vacancies in our public services and allowing family visas ensures the retention of those staff who have come from abroad.


Work Visas should be prioritised for people who want to immigrate to the UK and highly skilled workers like nurses, doctors, teachers etc


Maybe, but this needs to be decided based on factual information, not political opinions or party standings.


We should have a points system so that we allow people with the skills that the country needs are allowed rather than capping a certain number


Visas should be granted for professions that have a shortage like they do in Australia and this should be regularly updated with the countries needs


Only women and children should be allowed on a family visa and men should be screened more before entry


Priority should be given to people qualified in industries that need to use foreign workers due to a lack of skilled uk workers

 @9NTWXT5Women's Equalityanswered…8mos8MO

We need to be humane about the plight of peoples around the world who have no right or safety because of political or gender view etc. we have caused a lot of conflicts around the world so have a moral responsibility to these people


I think we need a fair balance. As long as migrant workers are educated and have legitimate certification of their job they should be allowed to work in the country


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