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 @B48W72F answered…12hrs12H

While I would say no, the threat of nuclear power in other countries shows that we have to hold nuclear weapons as a deterrent.

 @B48W72F answered…12hrs12H

Yes, however only for the use of recreational cannabis. The taxation of cannabis could pose a huge success for the tax payer

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…16hrs16H

Israel Passes Controversial Law Expanding Political Control Over Judiciary

 @ISIDEWITH linked…51mins51m

Record numbers of UK children live below the poverty line. Spending cuts will only make the problem worse

 @ISIDEWITH linked…1hr1H

Rachel Reeves destroyed by Carole Malone as she rages 'what planet is she on?'

 @ISIDEWITH linked…13hrs13H

Labour’s big betrayal: This war on the poor will backfire badly – not least among its own MPs

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…13hrs13H

Labour Faces Backlash Over Controversial Benefits Cuts
