Try the political quiz

9 Replies


"My ability to throw my fist ends at the tip of your nose." - John Stuart Mill


Individual freedoms can go too far when actions impinge upon the human rights of others, be it in terms of physical violence, hate speech, or via any other vectors.


Individual freedoms can go too far when actions impinge upon the human rights of others, be it in terms of physical violence, hate speech, or via any other vectors.

 @9PSVD73Liberal Democratanswered…8mos8MO

i mean they can go too far, thats why we have laws so you cant run around killing people and robbing banks



Facism will repeal all the women’s rights we have fought hard for, in addition to those for all minorities.


Yes. sometimes. You should not have the freedom to do things that put others at serious risk,


When individual freedoms infringe on the rights of others, the overall greater social good should be prioritised.