Increase, but only after our deficit is drastically reduced

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


Decrease, unless there's a threat of world war 3 (in which case we should increase it).


Increase, as we are currently living through tumultuous times in world politics, but ultimately decrease


Drastically reduce the cost of RnD spendeture and move that money towards re arming and recalling the current arsenal of the country including buying more challenger tanks and new rifles to replace the L85A2


There should be an overall decrease as nuclear weapons should be dismantled however spending on naval, ground and air defence should stay the same.


Keep as is, but make military more useful by having them involved much in more community service rather than training for fighting. Make community service at least 50% of their time spend.


Increase only if it's for defending our boarders and not attacking other countries for wars the public do not agree with

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