Yes, but only for those who do not pursue further education or employment
No, service should be a choice instead of an obligation
Yes, but with less focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development
Yes, but only for those who are starting to build a criminal record
Yes, and it should be at least two years of service

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 @58M8D8Vfrom Southampton answered…4yrs4Y


Yes, but include other emergency and public services for those not wishing the military.


18-25 would be more appropriate, only for repeat offenders and it should be a shorter period of time e.g. six-eight weeks

 @9NGWVBWanswered…4 days4D

Offer alternative eg education online, vocational college , counselling services , trauma informed educational settings to help regulate and grow in confidence- something ti help all -


Yes, I do believe that we should do this as we are at such disadvantage to other countries as basic training is roughly 6-8 weeks and if there is a risk then at least more people will have the training and skills to defend our country and that way we don’t lose as many lives.

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