Yes, but only for deadly contagious diseases
No, fund public ad campaigns about the risks and benefits instead
Yes, they are essential to protecting other children who are too young to be vaccinated
No, but require vaccination in order to attend public school
Yes, but with exceptions for those whose religious beliefs forbid use of vaccines
No, but hold parents criminally liable for transferring deadly diseases to other children

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No, we have free will although not vaccinating is a terrible idea unless you know you’re allergic to it


Yes, when the Science is backed by a plethora of evidence based research and those who have decades of experience in their scientific field should be part of the discussion about it with government officials following as well as gov officials having to take mandatory classes to keep upto date in current knowledge

 @9LWWYQ4answered…1 day1D

No, but children ought to be able to receive the vaccine if they request it, even if their parents don’t want them to.

 @9LW5MS6answered…3 days3D

yes but only if it wouldn't do more harm than good, like if a child has a heart condition and it is dangerous for them

 @9LVRKX5answered…3 days3D

Yes for only deadly contagious diseases with the exception for those whose religious beliefs forbid use of vaccines

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