Yes, this is a tradition that supports rural communities
No, this is a cruel sport which should remain illegal

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 @9PWDD5L answered…4wks4W

Yes but you should require a hunting permit and issue quotas for the amount of foxes that are allowed to be hunted by a person within a year


No and the practice should be explicitly illegal with no loopholes such as trail hunting. It is out dated and has no place in modern society.


No, it's cruel, if there is an issue with foxes in an area then the natural predator of the fox should be introduced


No but farmers should continue to shoot foxes for being threats to their livelihoods


No, it is cruel, tradition can be upheld with ‘clean boot’ hunts and the current laws should be enforced properly


Foxes are no longer hunted with dogs since the hunting ban. Cleanboot and drag hunting should not be banned as this will lead to the death of thousands of dogs and horses and the loss of livelihood of hundreds of people who hugely help protect our environment