Yes, everyone should receive an income to cover basic necessities including food and housing
No, this will encourage people not to work and harm economic growth

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The government should do all it can to encourage people into work, and ensure that all jobs pay enough to cover basic necessities including food and housing.

 @9LY7G5Y answered…5 days5D

As long as people solely receiving this income were tasked with improving their communities, towns and cities to bring back some pride in their areas.

 @9LXDSNGanswered…6 days6D

This sounds like a sensible idea to reduce poverty but I would want to understand how it supports people in poverty to seek employment

 @9LX52BDanswered…7 days7D

UBI is a concept developed by tech companies to assuage the problems that will be created by AGI. The best solution will be for corporates to purchase AI license from citizens through a marketplace. This way the economic benefit of AI resides with the people.


This should be based on individual circumstances and only for UK born or residents of more than 5 years with clean records.

 @9LVFJH4 answered…1wk1W

People who are using this service who are not able to work due to illness depend on it People who do not work and choose to he on a benefit system and don't want a job should he given the option to join the military or they will loose benefits this helps people get necessary skills and development for later life etc paying tax and owning a home

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