Yes, but require the labelling of foods that are genetically modified
Yes, but producers should not be able to patent seeds

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Full labelling should be mandatory. Traceability procedures should be robust. Patenting of seeds should be illegal.

 @9Q3CF47answered…1 day1D

I think more extensive research should be conducted first to ensure safety and evaluate long-term risks to health

 @9Q2PZ3S answered…2 days2D

Only if an ethical and environmental impact assessment has been made and only with the strict requirement that producers are not able to patent seeds or sue for cross-fertilisation contamination.

 @9Q25TPJanswered…2 days2D

Only if the modification is to find cleaner/greener ways of growing crops that help sustain the environment

 @9PYQ78Panswered…3 days3D

This needs so much more context. It is uk/locally produced, what processes are involved, is it supporting our farmers?

 @9PSYZGNanswered…6 days6D

Long term we will have to consider genetic engineering but food standards must be applied to the highest standards.

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