Yes, but require the labelling of foods that are genetically modified
Yes, but producers should not be able to patent seeds

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


Food should be natural not man-made. Stop putting chemicals in our food, spraying food with harmful pesticides. It is damaging people's health


Yes, but only if the modification is to find cleaner/greener ways of growing crops that help sustain the environment.


Yes, to an extent. I don't think you should be able to patent seeds, but using GMOs does impact the food chain, which could have long reaching and unforeseeable consequences.


No, it needs to be more tested for health effects plus we would also need to consider the chain reaction it would have with farmers etc


Yes in very strictly regulated circumstances. Producers should not be able to patent seeds or profiteer. Everything should be clearly labelled. There is potential for good but with big business involved there is also huge scope for it to go wrong.


Yes, but producers should not be able to patent seeds, foods should be labelled and it should be heavily regulated.