Yes, we should always promote diplomatic peace talks during foreign conflicts
No, only if it is an immediate threat to our safety
No, we should not get involved in foreign conflicts

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Yes, but again only if the sides are serious. If its a political ploy just to get one over on the other, then leave them to fight it out


If the British Government kept its nose out of the middle east there might be a chance for the middle east to sort out its own affairs. Our role should be humanitarian aid in a non-aligned context and mediation support.


Yes, and we should reduce sanctions on Iran while still exerting political pressure over huma rights concerns

 @8SZTB3Z answered…9mos9MO

Let them get on with it and stay out of it. Stop overestimating the importance of the UK in such and other world matters.

 @9FR2SG2from Arizona answered…10mos10MO

Yes but we should not be expected to expend any of our own resources or time to do so. Let them sort this out, this is not our problem.


We should generally stay out of such matters but in the case of these two counties we should take action on the disgusting human rights violations they allow in law