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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


I don't really understand what a ceasefire is and what are the disadvantages, I don't understand why they are killing one another


I support a permanent ceasefire, but only to open peace talks that can pave the way for peace for both sides (ideally, there would no longer be an Israel, or a State of Palestine, but instead a new country wherein citizens of both former countries would be able to work for peace)


We have no right to tell other countries' governments what to do. I don't remember MPs lobbying for us to call for a permanent ceasefire in Ukraine, they are only going hard on this as there are votes at stake and all they care about is self-preservation.


Working toward a sustainable ceasefire that will last rather than an immediate short-term solution that will quickly lead to more conflict.


Yes, however it is not as important as people make it out to be as calling forna ceasefire is very unlikely to make any actual change. Also the war needs to be resolved otherwise it will just be a pause in the war.


No, we should encourage Humanitarian pauses and a two-state solution as this is the only way to long term peace

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