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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9NHMTMFanswered…4 days4D

Housing market needs reforming for all, not just first time buyers. Government needs to address the systemic issues around buying a home

 @9NGXPVVanswered…4 days4D

they should force the banks and building societies to refresh their lending criteria. People are able to rent at a high cost but not take out a mortgage that would reduce their outgoings. This should not be allowed to continue.

 @9NFPBYTanswered…5 days5D

No, they should address systemic causes of overinflated property values due to being considered a commodity over a right to a permanent residence


No, the government should seek to lower the cost of homes in general / reform the housing market, rather than perpetuate the status quo.


Yes, but depends on age, current living situation, marital status, annual income, and what house they're looking at. with houses under a certain price.

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