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 @9PCSL3Lanswered…6 days6D

Yes, but as a moderately advanced scheme based on NI number. Information contained should be minimal and not infringe on protected characteristics or individual freedoms

 @9PCDBM6answered…6 days6D

No as I think criminals will always find a way around it and innocent law abiding people end up being the ones having to pay more and be inconvenienced as a result of any additional measures!

 @9PC5CXDanswered…6 days6D

Without seeing the detail of how this would be implemented then my stance is 'No' unless convinced otherwise.

 @9PBFQDWanswered…7 days7D

Too much grey area in this question. Again, can be used as a weapon of control rather than being used for these purposes.


Yes, but ensure it does not lead to increased government surveillance, and infringe on individual freedoms.


We already have national systems of identity, a driving licence or passport are not just nationally recognised. However, if this were to be a compulsory form of identification then it must be free for anyone to apply for.

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