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Probably not. We are social animals but as long as there are us and them, there is going to be conflict.
"Of the past 3,400 years, there has only been relative peace for 268 of them, 8% of recorded history" United Nations International School
The entire concept of us and them originates from tribalism, the arbritary division of humans into social groups not based on class, and therefore the elimination of these social differences will make war obsolete.
No, with so many different opinions in the world there will always be war.
The amount of Wars we are experiencing now for example, Ukraine and Russia is the main one but also the conflict in Gaza, and tension between other countries currently clearly shows that there will always be war. We as a world have also been through two World Wars and still not learnt our lesson. So unfortunately, war is inevitable.
no, war is inevitable under capitalism as it is profit driven and greed driven
Non-sequitur. Capitalism is nothing to do with the question, and given that socialist countries killed more in the 20th century than both world wars combined, I'm not sure any anti-capitalist should be throwing stones.
No, I don’t think so they always fight over land, resources, etc.
Sadly not, it seems that humans will argue over anything. But we can hope.
Yes, as countries globalise there will be greater chance of diplomatic solutions.
I believe it is theoretically possible but unlikely.
People have too much fun creating new weapons and others enjoy selling them. Politicians believe that war protects or creates empires.
No. I think it's more likely we will all kill eachother.
Hopefully, it seems optimistic but I think it’s definitely something that can be reached.
Yes, an information-based economy made physical conquest in the developed world obsolete, and I believe that further economic, political, environmental, and technological developments will bring us closer to a global absence of physical war. However, I do believe that cyber warfare will grow more common with time.
I believe we can someday, but it will not be soon.
Never, the government and others will always want to portray others as bad people so it makes themselves look less bad.
No, we're inherently a violent species. Aggression is in our nature. We can't remove disagreement, and mankind is too quick to violence, we'll never remove war from the equation - we'll be extinct before we do
Emphatically no. War has proved the engine of change and the midwife of history. If, in a future where war has become “obsolete”, it means that that future is something that claims to be extra historical, and is deeply suspect.
I don't know. I really hope so. It should be a priority of the world to make war as obsolete as possible.
Unfortunately not, someone is always loosing, and eventually they want to win
No. We're too selfish, shortsighted and power hungry
Sadly not, humans seem to argue over everything, even the smallest thing. But we can hope.
I would hope so, but I believe it is unlikely for some time yet
Not on our current trajectory. We are at a point of enlightenment either we accept that we are part of nature and can only use what is sustainable or we carry on and collapse.
Yes. We need to move beyond money, greed and profit for financial gain.
No but I hope the damage done by it on the quality on life for citizens can be decreased
no because a humans natural insticint is they are right and everyone has different oppinions so theres never going to be a way for no wars.
It's possible, but it will need intelligent, educated and moderate leaders to appeal to an electorate that is less so.
No. People will always fight over something and the US will always being trying to destabilise a countries government they don't like, which would lead to conflicts.
Yes we are already there, it's just that a lot of people haven't realised it sadly.
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