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No, humans are inherently territorial and will always have a violent streak to our nature. Despite this, further economic development, especially development which benefits wider society, can mitigate the risks of war by making people feel more comfortable and less distrustful of sharing land and resources.


No I think the human race will always think war is the solution to every problem

 @9K7DQZ8from Ohio  agreed…1yr1Y

It is unlikely that we will reach complete peace: billions of people, there is bound to be some evil.


Because war is usually about greed or money and humans are greedy and power hungry and always want more money

 @9JHL53TLabour answered…1yr1Y

Not with the way we are heading. Too many selfish leaders in control/power


War is too profitable. The military industrial complex wants to retain power and western countries want wars to continue.


There has been a steady decrease in war over the last 75 years and as the world globalises there will be less and less reasons to go to war


I hope so, but sadly i don’t think so, there will always be people that believe in violence and a need for war, and many of these people are in power



No. There will always be bad actors. Petty, selfish people will always value their own personal gain more than the lives of those they are murdering.


No I believe that war will always exist so long as humanity exists


I think that there will always be some countries which suffer from political instability, or have a lack of natural resources- e, g food and water so they fight, particularly in poorer countries.


No, and with increasing religious zealotry in all major world religions it can only get worse.


The assertion that 'zealotry' is increasing amongst all religions is unfounded. Furthermore, even if it was, general trends in the current do not mean it will forever be more zealous.

 @9HPCJLH answered…1yr1Y

No, though I believe this should be a goal we strive towards, however it is human nature that there will always be those who wish to wage war and have the means to do so, very unfortunate.


Humanity will reach a point where conflicts are resolved through hammer of the judge, rather than the barrel of a gun. This is due to the simple fact that technology will cause us to evolve a point where war and conflict are simply not necessary.

 @9HXKJN8Labour answered…1yr1Y

No. War will always continue to happen and thrive as long as one people are marginalized and oppressed by another - as such, as long as religion continues to exist, war will continue to happen.


Yes. The whole population of the Earth should all strive towards a statelss world, gradually erasing our differences, segregation. However, this can only be achieved in a situation where the level of economic and living standards development across the world reach a relative equality.


no, sadly humans have a innate need to fight over things, land, resources, opinions, religion, human rights.

 @9HMRZBQfrom Rhode Island  answered…1yr1Y

I do not think so, however I believe military drafts are human rights violations regardless of how urgent the situation is.


What do you mean war is "obsolete?" People will always fight, you can't stop that, not unless everyone were robots. I don't think we ever will, unfortunately.



I’m not sure. Despite changing the people in power in our country, that doesn’t change the terrorists that rule over other countries. We need to be prepared for anything and be ready to defend ourselves regardless of if a war if on the rise.


Yes, an information-based economy made physical conquest in the developed world obsolete, and I believe that further economic, political, environmental, and technological developments will bring us closer to a global absence of physical war. However, I do believe that cyber warfare will grow more common with time.


Unfortunetly never there are too many vested interests in making money from war and no matter how peaceful most of the world there will be always be war somewhere.


No, even if all humans were unified under a single government there would be some sort of conflict.


War will not fade to obsoletion but merely shift into the futuristic era and be fought on different fronts such as cyber


It would be ideal to reach that point, but I don't think humanity ever will. There will always be leaders who think war is the only answer.

 @9J2GNTK answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but this will be hundreds of years in the future humanity is not capable of reasoning yet. The wars in Israel and Palestine plus with quarrels with Taiwan and various other countries demonstrate this.


Yes with enough peace negation I think most wars will be stopped but not all


No, there will always be war, despite living in the most peaceful period of human existence there is still conflict. One unifying event would need to occur but that probably means lots have died or would. Depressing answer.


No, war is always going on. We can make advances towards peace the best we can however, unnecessary death is avoidable


Yes, because of nuclear weapons wars are too dangerous for the modern world meaning that it would cause mass destruction, meaning just wars are very unlikely.

 @9JXTS8QLabourfrom Kuala Lumpur  answered…1yr1Y


No, human nature will change the course of this, with the world that's been developed, it's impossible.


I don’t know if it ever will, but it should always strive to reach that point.


No, I would like to think we could, but everyone is invested in everyone else’s issues and the world is to wide spread


This is surely the desired outcome but will never come about if we don't learn to work together and make peace, unfortunately, I think taking recent events into account this will be very far in the future if it is going to happen.


No as there will always be conflict however we should engage in treaties to try and overcome this.


War could and should be obsolete already but the world is ruled by terrible people so probably, no.


Unfortunately no, it is in our nature to "want" more, and sometimes people take this to the extreme of taking from others with violence.


No, as long as we try and keep good relations with other countries such as Russia and China. Keeping good relations with them would reduce tension and reduce the chance of future wars


Possibly. War is detrimental to the development of humanity, however, people who desire power (i.e. politicians) profit from war as it gives them the ability to control others and gain power through the acquisition of new land and resources, e.g. the Iraq War. Others such as arms manufacturers profit directly from war by selling weaponry. Effective propaganda and news agencies aligned with the ideology of the government convince the general population that war is a ‘necessary evil’ (though this is valid when acting in defence). It is only until the entire world realises this that the global population will feel compelled to stop participating in war, which is very unlikely as seen in countries with one party dictatorships like North Korea.


Never, people are greedy. Whilst ever we have a desire for more, conflict will exist. However I want it to be obsolete.


Yes as weapons become far more advanced it will be to costly for both sides to start a war.


No, there will always be someone who thinks violence is the answer, so we must be prepared for this.


I would love to think we would, but history has shown this is highly unlikely unfortunately.


No. There will always be someone who considers themselves to be strong and will seek to dominate others.


No. Governments and leaders are too selfish and focused on themselves and with differing views that war will always be inevitable

 @9JM7CH4Labour answered…1yr1Y

No, I believe that politicians will always be power-hungry and selfish enough to start wars, and this has been the case for millennia.

 @9JXNCVVLabour answered…1yr1Y

Humans will continue fight wars against each other and the reasons for killing each other will continue to be stupid.


I think that their will always be war and now it is changing to wars about recources


No because people in power will always want more. Greed and money feed war.


I would like to think we can but probably not given the leaders we keep on electing


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