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No, it is human nature to disagree. War is just a large scale version of this, at it's most fundamental level.


I would like to hope that war stops however I think if we keep having the same types of people in government (usually rich, white, old, petty men) war will never end which is not what I would want, we need better world leaders


No, evolutionary pressures will always predominate and even in post scarcity societies, population booms will eventually exhaust resources, leading to conflict. Stability is unlikely to ever be the norm of an epoch, much less the norm of all future epochs.


I think it’s possible but extremely unlikely - there will always be contrarians trying to fight over something


No, attempts to promote peace throughout history have consistently failed. Unfortunately, I do not see the world ever being free of war due to the beliefs of those in power. MAD simply ensures that any war would result in the end of humanity as we know it, it does nothing to promote peace.


No as positions of power attract sociopaths and psychopaths who lack basic care of empathy for others.


no, war is inevitable under capitalism as it is profit driven and greed driven


Non-sequitur. Capitalism is nothing to do with the question, and given that socialist countries killed more in the 20th century than both world wars combined, I'm not sure any anti-capitalist should be throwing stones.

 @9HV2SP3 answered…1yr1Y

No, people will always argue and's not right or just. It just is what happens. If anything, it will get worse with the rise of technology as well as tension with China and Russia. And as technology rises, so do weapons. Including nukes, which could 1 day destroy the planet


Yes, as countries globalise there will be greater chance of diplomatic solutions.


absolutely not. its in our blood whether we like it or not, as long as there are two people on the planet somebody is going to want someone dead



War has always been obsolete, sadly we continue with war despite its obsolescence.


Not unless all nations resolve to stop it, or some powerful supranational organisation has the authority to stop it


People have too much fun creating new weapons and others enjoy selling them. Politicians believe that war protects or creates empires.


I do believe we will, however this would be in the far future in hundreds, if not thousands of years.



 @9K7VTJ4 answered…1yr1Y

No. Humanity is naturally inclined toward pack mentality, which in-turn is largely driven by religion, faith or belief in fascicast/communist dictatorships.

 @9JZ2JWB answered…1yr1Y

Only if western nations earnestly support low income nations in building up, and moderate border disputes to avoid needless civil wars and further social backsliding in those societies


No. It's a nice idea in theory, but I struggle to see how it can be achieved across the world.

 @9J2GNTK answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but this will be hundreds of years in the future humanity is not capable of reasoning yet. The wars in Israel and Palestine plus with quarrels with Taiwan and various other countries demonstrate this.


Yes with enough peace negation I think most wars will be stopped but not all



I don't know. I really hope so. It should be a priority of the world to make war as obsolete as possible.


Only when actual and artificial scarcity of resources is abolished. This will mean any cultural or social differences will cease to be of any great issue to an egalitarian world.


Never there will always be someone or something people,government and countries fight over, anti war is a just cause but it’s always going to be in vain and another war will happen

 @9J52SSTLiberal Democratanswered…1yr1Y

No, but hopefully war can become less violent and destructive and reach a point where they are resolved quicker, with less deaths.


No with Russia-Ukraine and now Hama's and Israel and including impending war between NATO and Russia it's looking bad.



No as there will always be conflict however we should engage in treaties to try and overcome this.


I hope So but seen as we’re so selfish and thick as a collective I dont see it happening in my life time


Only when actual and artificial scarcity of resources is abolished. This will mean any cultural or social differences will cease to be of any great issue to an egalitarian world.


No but I hope the damage done by it on the quality on life for citizens can be decreased


yes, it already has as the production of nuclear bombs means war is too risky

 @9K68Y79 answered…1yr1Y

Personally, I don't think this is achievable in the foreseeable future. Maybe some time, generations and generations away when humanity is forced to behave and is taught that conflict only leads to more conflict. But how would that have to be achieved? Most likely some authoritarian figure seizing power and uniting the nations through force. Then, when 'peace' is achieved under this one government, people would start to doubt its authority, there would be a growing disparity between the working class and the upper class, and possibly the government itself would, like all govern…  Read more


No war is a never ending fear it is unreal to believe that war will become obsolete. It's a dream.


It's possible, but it will need intelligent, educated and moderate leaders to appeal to an electorate that is less so.


No, people are patriotic and feel there country is better than others, people feel they need to protect there country which is completely acceptable


No - unfortunately conflict is within human nature.

The scary thing is as time goes by we develop more and more ways of destroying each other in terrible ways.


Only when actual and artificial scarcity of resources is abolished. This will mean any cultural or social differences will cease to be of any great issue to an egalitarian world.


Most wars in my opinion are a result of power / monetary disputes. So long as there are positions of power, and given that humanity is not perfect, there will always be conflict no matter how minor it is.

 @79YPPCS answered…1yr1Y

No, political, racial and religious differences will always be put before peace by some political leaders


No, I think war is always an inevitable factor, and humans are not "fully peaceful" species.


No, there will always be some reason humans will have conflict with one another


No, it is something to work toward and aspire to but it’s unrealistic for anyone in the near future


No because there will always be greed and religious nut cases a plenty. Stupidity, greed and selfishness are simply part of human nature unfortunately.


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