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I think we are more likely to destroy ourselves before that happens
So long as free will exists there will be conflict sobthe quest becomes what's first. Obliteration or loss of free will
with men in power and the main objective being either wounded pride, land, money or opposing opinions, wars will never stop happening.
No I think the human race will always think war is the solution to every problem
No. Conflict is used as a tool - the public learn from hardship and their behaviour is influenced by it. On a political level I don't see international peace ever being achieved, because self-interest gets in the way
There is now less war and violence than any other point in history (despite social media and the mainstream media claiming otherwise). Statically, we are on a trajectory moving away from violence and war.
No, war will always be at the very least a threat, due to an inherent nature in humans to do wrong.
Aiming at a world without conflict is admirable, but unrealistic. There will always be corrupt and immoral people who will seek power at the expense of others, and resisting these people is neccessary.
@9HPCJLH 1yr1Y
No, though I believe this should be a goal we strive towards, however it is human nature that there will always be those who wish to wage war and have the means to do so, very unfortunate.
Sadly not, it seems that humans will argue over anything. But we can hope.
No unfortunately it is natural there has always been war
No, there will always be conflict unless the entire human race had access to the same services.
@9HD7XT3 1yr1Y
Until there is one overriding global culture war will always exist. In my opinion religion is merely a cultural expression and therefore for the end of internal and international wars there must be either one religion or no religion. There would also need to be a global , collective identity - when one geographic area is suffering famine or disasters of any kind, the collective would need to respond and come to their aid.
The above is unlikely to be achieved and again in my opinion would need to be forced as the chokehold of religion, corrupt governments and intolerant cultures are endemic globally.
What do you mean war is "obsolete?" People will always fight, you can't stop that, not unless everyone were robots. I don't think we ever will, unfortunately.
No, some people or countries will always want to take more from their neighbours
No because I believe it is difficult to stop people from having their own opinions whilst not being a dictatorship
No, not unless things about life on earth fundamentally change (IE climate catastrophe etc) A vastly smaller human population may be forced to cooperate rather than fight
Hopefully humanity will not feel the need to fight for competing interests or opposing viewpoints, but it might require an ideological change in the usefulness of war and its justifications.
@9JXNRWL 1yr1Y
Maybe one day humanity will be able to unite under a single banner kinda like the UNSC from the halo franchise but without the whole insurrectionists thing
Perhaps but it is very unlikely and contingent on adequate provisions for all and reduced differences between groups
Potentially in the distant future but unlikely as it’s contingent on there being few differences between groups of people and adequate provision for all.
I hope so but it is unlikely that it will happen as war has been going on for thousands of years.
Yes, but it's very unlikely to happen any time soon
War will be obsolete when people in power have to fight it themselves instead of sending young people to die in their place.
Sadly not, humans seem to argue over everything, even the smallest thing. But we can hope.
@9J7GRSC 1yr1Y
Regrettably, war often stems from motives like greed, money, and revenge, and in today's society, these factors are prevalent, making positive change difficult to envision.
Violence is always a part of every system, however, war is specifically something that seems to occur when one side, or multiple sides, decide to implement ideals top-down. Sometimes it is necessary to fight this, such as in World War 2. I don't know if we can ever get past this, but its an ideal to strive towards/
Yes, for better or worse there will be a time when either we have leant to live together or one group has eradicated the others and unfortunately the second looks more likely every day.
@9K67LM6 1yr1Y
No, There will always be people with different beliefs and ideologies, people will always find a reason to fight another race/country as political extremism will always be here to stay.
No. There will always be someone who considers themselves to be strong and will seek to dominate others.
No. People will always fight over something and the US will always being trying to destabilise a countries government they don't like, which would lead to conflicts.
No, but I hope to see it. Politicians are corrupt, governments unstable, and until a point where global wealth and social opportunities is equal, this conflict shall continue to prevail.
War is obsolete but unfortunately greed isn't so unless we can somehow create.more equitable societies it's unlikely
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