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 @ISIDEWITH asked…42mins42m

How would you feel if countries turned space into a battleground for their conflicts?


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…4hrs4H

A Chinese Phone Maker Did Something Apple Couldn’t: Make an EV

 @S0v3reignAudreyfrom Maine  submitted…4mins4m

China Launches AI ChatBot Trained On "Presidents Thought"


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…5hrs5H

China escalates trade war with sanctions on U.S. defense companies

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…5hrs5H

UK accuses China of providing ‘lethal aid’ to Russia for Ukraine war

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…42mins42m

Russia Launches Space Weapon. On Tuesday, Gen Ryder said the Pentagon believed the Russian satellite was "presumably capa…


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…5hrs5H

Norway, Ireland, Spain recognize Palestinian state

 @9MP4W68 answered…19mins19m

Let in as many people from war torn countries where their lives are at risk, and let in skilled and qualified people who…

 @9MP4N7N answered…22mins22m

Only if there are viable alternatives to using a vehicle

 @9MP4K23 answered…22mins22m

Yes but with huge amounts of transparency on where information is being drawn from, what purpose the AI serves and where…

 @9MP453V answered…27mins27m

Very hard to say given the lack of regulation on AI. We have all seen Terminator. On the other hand, we don't want to be…

 @9MP4384 answered…28mins28m

Yes for People who haven’t got an house should be able have first choice not multi buyers that rent them out.

 @9MP3PJM answered…31mins31m

They should be subject to review and come with warnings if found to promote extreme content

 @9MP3MSJ answered…32mins32m

They can help and should have a voice however it should be a requirement of anyone negotiating on behalf of their full l…

 @9MP3MSJ answered…32mins32m

I do however I don’t support the excessive cost. The government should ensure costs are kept within budget

 @9MP2V8C answered…39mins39m

It should support people until they have an income from a workplace. People able to work should be in work.

 @9MP2TD5 answered…39mins39m

if it does it needs to be used with extreme xaution

 @9MP2TD5 answered…39mins39m

who decides what is a high risk country? usually muslim countries are automatically considered high risk ….. i don’t ag…

 @9MP2SV6 answered…39mins39m

It should he used to ASSIST with decisions, ensuring consistency.