Yes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples
No, and I believe a mother and father family structure is best for the child
No, and adoption agencies should prioritize offering children to straight couples before offering to gay couples
No, and gay couples should not be able to adopt children

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 @58RBLMZfrom Belfast answered…4yrs4Y


If both same sex parents are loving, kind decent people it should not matter what sexual preferences they have. It does not matter whether the parents are a heterosexual or a gay couple. As long as the children are brought up in a safe, loving and nurturing environment.

I also believe children brought up with same sex parents will be have more awareness of the LGBT community and have a better understanding growing up.

 @58F6N9Rfrom Lincolnshire answered…4yrs4Y

Allow children of 15+ to be adopted by same sex couples so they are brought up by straight couples



Yes, but I do believe a mother and father family structure is more beneficial


Not everyone should have rights to adopt. Gay or not they should have to complete a certain eligibility scheme. But yes gay people should be able to adopt