Answer Overview

Response rates from 386k UK voters.

Yes, drug abuse should be treated as a health issue, not a criminal issue
No, this would encourage drug use and lower funding for rehabilitation centers
Yes, this is necessary to reduce the drug overdose death rate
No, but legalize drugs

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK voters whose views went beyond the provided options.


Yes, but this should be used to help addicted people find their way to treatments and rehabilitation.


Yes, as a short term solution with the caveat that they are enrolled and are participating in a rehabilitation program


Only if the safe havens have a duty of care to promote rehabilitation and there are plenty of accessible rehab centres


I do believe that this will help the drug overdose rate however I think that it should be in combination of a rehabilitation center, because the main idea is to get less drug overdoses and to take illegal drugs off of the streets.


Only if it is contained and if the people who are looking after them are professional and that people who are admitted into these safe havens are not on dangerously class A drugs


No i don't believe the UK Government would be able to implement it effectively becoming more like Portland Oregon than places like Portugal funding is also needed for rehab not supply.

 @9SRK6V7from Hyogo answered…3wks3W

Cities should open "safe havens" where people addicted to illegal drugs can be HELPED by medical professionals to get over their addiction.