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cap it only for sectors that are over subscribed to ensure sectors aren't left without skilled workers


In areas where the migrants meet the salary requirement but there is no shortage of workers in their profession/with their skills.


No, work visas need to be dealt with differently to family visas until we get the numbers British skilled workers available.

 @9TS2CGHanswered…6 days6D

Yes, but temporarily and with the view that this is alongside other measures taken to help refugees etc


Not work or Student Visas but there should absolutely be a restriction on dependants as the current system is open to widescale abuse


Yes, but ideally there should not be family and work visas granted to anyone beyond the immediate family of children or spouses.


yes, just in terms of whether or not we have the space, nothing to do with the amount of immigrants, it’s whether we can house and support everyone so that we don’t have homeless people


This clearly needs to be flexible, if we need skilled workers who have proven themselves as such then we issue them visas as required.