Answer Overview

Response rates from 2.5m UK voters.

Yes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production
No, provide more incentives for alternative energy production instead
No, just enforce existing regulations
No, and I believe global warming is a natural occurrence
No, and the current government is over-regulating businesses

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from UK voters whose views went beyond the provided options.


No, the current government is over-regulating businesses, provide more incentives for alternative energy production instead


No, rather than constrict on celebrities who abuse their power and single-handedly increase emissions.


We obviously have to do something but to keep blaming individuals while the energy companies are literally getting away with murder is wrong after all individuals already have a big enough reason to not use too much of anything and that being the cost.


No we should not add en Regulations on businesses especially small businesses as this is what can put them out of business in which will create a lot more unemployment which means more people will be on universal credit. I will end up spending more money.

What we need is good all great tax reductions or incentives for businesses that use use renewable energy like solar panels or win turbines


It makes absolutely zero sense to combat global warming when we would just be exporting our work to China with increase to overall productivity.


Environmental policy should balance between regulations, penalties and incentives. We need a greater focus on the big areas such as agriculture and energy production and greater circularity.


First the government needs to do the calculations on current energy consumption & realise nuclear is a viable solution to bridge the gap between fossils and green energy.


Yes, it provides more incentives for alternative energy production and greater personalised assistance on how to do it.